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Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Gemeinsam stärker

Accompanying Refugees and Vulnerable migrants in HR and BiH (EMBRACE)


Jesuit Refugee Service

Bruxelles, Belgien


The project offers to young people, age 18-30, a high-quality volunteering service in large teams (min. 10 people) in the priority area of inclusive societies, reception and integration of refugees in Croatia and BiH. Volunteers come from Croatia, BiH, Spain, Belgium and via the European Youth platform of any eligible country, with different socio-economic background, culture and religion, including of refugees and youth with fewer opportunities. They will be prepared and accompanied by an experienced consortium of educational, and refugee aid organisations, composed by Fundación Entreculturas Spain, JRS-Europe and JRS Country offices Croatia and BiH. A total of 6 Volunteer teams (60 places) will be engaged over two months during 2021 and 2022 in the JRS Integration Centers in Zagreb, and the refugee camps in Bihac and Velika Kladusa. Volunteering opportunities include: Intercultural exchange and workshops with vulnerable groups, Medical escort, and Awareness in local community.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

JRS Bosnia and Herzegovina, and JRS Croatia will provide food and accommodation to the volunteers during their service in the refugee camp in Bihac and the integration center in Zagreb. Travel expenses from the country where the sending organisation is based to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to Croatia will provided as foreseen by the EU Solidarity Corps based on real travel expenses and up to a maximum amount as provided by the ESC Distance Calculator. Volunteers will receive during their 2 months service an additional Pocket money as described in the ESC table for Bosnia,Herzegovina and Croatia.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

The 60 young volunteers will participate also in the structured activities of preparation (seminars), support (mentoring) and accompaniment (volunteering coordination meetings) by 3 JRS offices and Fundación Entreculturas during their engagement for a social, just and more human societies in the participating countries Croatia and BiH, and will be encouraged to participate in activities that foster inclusion of refugees and migrants in local communities. they will also learn about about core ethical values and actively contributing to the design and implementation of the volunteer service.


Due to COVID19 pandemic, 2020 summer camps were not possible. The project now envisages 2021 and 2022 camps. We are looking for young people who show a clear motivation to open up to an intercultural, transcultural experience, and who are eager to engage in community action with refugees and migrants in their hosting communities. There is no specific criteria of qualification/graduation. As a general rule, JRS will focus on young adults who have finished their obligational school education, a vocational education or studies in the field of interest (in case of traineeships/employments).


Von 01/07/2021 bis 31/12/2022


WAVERSE STEENWEG 205, Bruxelles, Belgien

Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Bosnien und Herzegowina, Belgien, Spanien, Kroatien

Themen der Aktivität

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants


Keine Bewerbungsfrist