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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Villegly, França


Music'Al Sol Association is a non-profit organization since 2004 with the aim of assist, professionally develop and promote in France and abroad activities related to the sectors of culture, arts, press, and general actions in communication and expression. Music'Al Sol Association organises for about 10 events per year with concerts. The objective is to develop and promote music from Aude in rural areas; create a space for multi-generational meeting about culture; and allow access for rural population to quality shows. Generally, Music'Al Sol wants to encourage meetings between different social classes, different generations or different cultural backgrounds and thus participate in the development of good relations between people of the same territory to foster a true "living together" .This region has a strong culture, touristic places and activities which are promoted trough cinema, music, art festivals, often part of the network of Music’Al

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

Accommodation, food and transport will be provided to each volunteer by MusicAl Sol. You will be hosted first in the Association members, or in a house with in single or double rooms. You will have your meals with the staff.

Formação durante a atividade

There will be two compulsory seminars provided by French National Agency: 1) Arrival seminar; 2) Mid term Seminar The french language course is provided online

Perfil do participante

We are looking for an open-minded and flexible volunteer from Italy.  Being available for the whole duration of the period; basic level in English or French; being motivated to learn French; being adaptable and motivated to live in a village situated in a rural area, 10 km from the closest city (Carcassonne), being passionate about cultural event and music topics. Being ready to integrate to a different life style.

Datas da atividade

De 03/01/2018 a 31/12/2018

Local da atividade

4 Rue du Pays Bas, Villegly, França

Voluntariado individual

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Temas da atividade

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

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