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Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης

Η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει

Volunteers for Hippotherapy


Youth Academy Sports Club Association

Eskişehir, Τουρκία


The volunteering project will take place in our hippotherapy center located in Eskişehir Osmangazi University main campus. The Hippotherapy Turkey project is also funded by European Commission, and the hippotherapy project center was established accordingly. In our center, volunteers will have different routine and creative tasks with horses, disabled children and local community. Some of the activities are; - Playing games and helping kids with special needs couple days a week, before therapies or in the scope of specific aimed activities, - Taking care of the natural environment of hippotherapy center, - Helping to take care of horses for their daily needs - Speaking clubs (English or) for local youngsters to improve their language skills and exchange cultures - Language courses in different languages (volunteer's native language or a language that they can teach) and some more activities according to special occasions.

Διαμονή, διατροφή και έξοδα μετακίνησης

The volunteers will be provided food allowance and pocket money per month that they will be participating in the project. The accommodation will be provided by the organization, volunteers will be accommodating in private or shared rooms according to the availability of the guest house. They will be provided with a shared kitchen in the accommodation (for breakfast and dinner) and in the center (for lunch). According to the climate, volunteers are provided bicycles for transportation between accommodation and the center.

Κατάρτιση κατά τη δραστηριότητα

Volunteers will/might have chance to: - Receive basic horse handling, grooming etc trainings as long as the daily workload allows - Turkish courses by our local volunteers every week - First-aid trainings given by professionals

Προφίλ συμμετέχοντος

We are looking for youngsters who; - are interested in working with disabled people and children, - are interested in nature and taking care of animals - are keen to meet different cultures, - are positive minded, - will bring his/her energy and different perspective.

Ημερομηνίες δραστηριότητας

A total of 8 week(s) during the period 01/09/2022 to 31/03/2023

Τοποθεσία δραστηριότητας

Prof. Dr. Nabi Avcı Bulvarı, No:4/111, Eskişehir, Τουρκία

Ατομικός εθελοντισμός

Αναζήτηση για συμμετέχοντες από

Αλβανία, Αρμενία, Αυστρία, Αζερμπαϊτζάν, Βοσνία-Ερζεγοβίνη, Βέλγιο, Βουλγαρία, Λευκορωσία, Κύπρος, Τσεχική Δημοκρατία, Γερμανία, Δανία, Εσθονία, Ελλάδα, Ισπανία, Φινλανδία, Γαλλία, Γεωργία, Κροατία, Ουγγαρία, Ιρλανδία, Ισλανδία, Ιταλία, Λιχτενστάιν, Λιθουανία, Λουξεμβούργο, Λετονία, Moldova (Republic of), Μαυροβούνιο, Βόρεια Μακεδονία, Μάλτα, Κάτω Χώρες, Νορβηγία, Πολωνία, Πορτογαλία, Ρουμανία, Σερβία, Russian Federation, Σουηδία, Σλοβενία, Σλοβακία, Ουκρανία, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο, Kosovo * UN resolution

Θέματα της δραστηριότητας

Citizenship and democratic participation

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Physical education and sport

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων

Προθεσμία υποβολής υποψηφιοτήτων: 23/10/2022 23:59