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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Young Links: EVS connecting Europe

Município de Portimão

Câmara Municipal de Portimão (Portimão Municipality) / DYPALL Network

Portimão, Portugal


"Young Links: EVS connecting Europe" has the main goal of bringing a new dynamic in youth work in Portimão (Portugal), and deliver a positive impact on local youth. Volunteer will learn about local youth policies and their implementation, taking into consideration non-formal education methodologies. This project promotes active participation and European citizenship, due to the involvement of EVS volunteers in activities undertaken by civil society organizations that aim to improve the life quality of local communities, via youth participation, training, education and sport. The volunteer will work alongside Portimão’s municipality officers to support the management of the Local Municipality Youth House (Loja Ponto Já).

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

- Volunteer will be hosted in a private house, in Portimão. Each volunteer will have a double bed room and the house will be fully equipped ensuring their safe, hygienic and pleasant experience. - Volunteer will receive each month 100 Euros for pocket money according to the rules of the programme and 150 Euros as food allowance. The money will be transferred to bank accounts that we will open for them, in order to secure safety of money handling. - Reimbursement of travel costs, and volunteers will chose their way of moving around the city (public transportation or bycicle)

Formação durante a atividade

- Volunteer will have access to a Portuguese language course offered by the online linguistic support Erasmus+ Programme. - Programmed learning cycle that includes 1 Induction training in the first weeks upon the arrival; 1 Mid-term evaluation moments and a Final evaluation meeting during the last month of the project. - The volunteer will have access to On-Arrival and Mid-Term EVS training, in case, provided by the National Agency according to the recommendations of the programme.

Perfil do participante

- Dynamic, responsible and motivated volunteers, from different backgrounds, between 17 and 30 years old, from Spain, who would also be happy in working in an international and multicultural environment; - Ideally, but not needed, the volunteer has previous experience of working with young people. - We will give priority to volunteers with social and economic difficult backgrounds, or in situations of long term unemployment; - Gender and age are not important (will be balanced) but it will be of great help that the volunteer speaks basic English

Datas da atividade

De 01/10/2017 a 30/06/2018

Local da atividade

Avenida Miguel Bombarda, nr. 3, Portimão, Portugal

Voluntariado individual

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Temas da atividade

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 28/08/2017 23:59