STOP Bullying
Fundatia Life Tineret
Life Youth Foundation
Oradea, Rumunia
We are going to select 4 ESC volunteers 18-30 years willing to be active in activities developed in Oradea city, Romania. This is a LONG TERM ESC Volunteering. A group of local volunteers, ESC volunteers and experts will address bullying of children 5 to 12 years. We are going in 3 directions: 1. We are going to develop a series of workshops teaching kids 5 to 12 years about bullying and how to stop / prevent bullying. 2. Empower me CLUB - we develop activities twice per week for kids victim of bullying, and ther kids families consider introvert and possible victim of bullying - we do art, science, sport activities with kids increasing self confidence
Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport
During the ESC Volunteering Project in Oradea, volunteers will be provided with comfortable and shared accommodation in the city. Living together in the same apartment fosters a sense of camaraderie among participants, facilitating cultural exchange and teamwork. To ensure that volunteers can focus on their valuable contributions to the project, they will receive pocket money and food allowance throughout their stay. Moreover, we cover transportation expenses using Erasmus Calculator on distance band.
Szkolenie w trakcie działania
1. On Arrival Training organised by the NA- National Agency of ESC- European Solidarity Corps 2. Training regarding protection and safety of the participant; 3. Linguistic training (RO, EN) a 42 hours training from English to learn romanian 4. Training on non-formal education techniques and tools; 5. Mid Term Evaluation organised by the NA 6. Workshops - specific topics related to project activities 7. Different Team building activities
Profil uczestnika
Having between 18 and 30 years old; • someone who understand bullying • its gone be a plus in the selection if you have experienced bullying as victim • young people sensitive in helping kids overcome difficulties of integration and of being bullied • Middle level in spoken English; • Happy to work with children and young people; • Excited to develop new skills in organising, implementing and coordinating activities; • Having residence in one of ESC eligible countries; • Brave enough to move for almost one year in another country.
Daty projektu
A total of 47 week(s) during the period 01/08/2024 to 28/06/2025
Miejsce realizacji projektu
Cuza Voda Nr.17, Oradea, Rumunia
Wolontariat indywidualny
Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:
British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Aruba, Azerbejdżan, Bośnia i Hercegowina, Belgia, Bułgaria, Saint-Barthélemy, Bermudy, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Białoruś, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Cypr, Republika Czeska, Niemcy, Dania, Algieria, Estonia, Egipt, Grecja, Hiszpania, Finlandia, Falklandy, Francja, Gruzja, Gujana Francuska, Grenlandia, Gwadelupa, Chorwacja, Węgry, Irlandia, Izrael, Brytyjskie Terytorium Oceanu Indyjskiego, Islandia, Włochy, Jordania, Kajmany, Liban, Liechtenstein, Litwa, Luksemburg, Łotwa, Libia, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Czarnogóra, Saint Martin (french part), Macedonia Północna, Martynika, Montserrat, Malta, Nowa Kaledonia, Niderlandy, Norwegia, Polinezja Francuska, Polska, St Pierre and Miquelon, Pitcairn, Palestyna, Portugalia, Reunion, Rumunia, Serbia, Russian Federation, Szwecja, Saint Helena, Słowenia, Słowacja, Syrian Arab Republic, Turks i Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Tunezja, Turcja, Ukraina, Virgin Islands (British), Wallis i Futuna, Kosovo * UN resolution
Tematy projektu
Education and training
Working against discrimination (including gender discrimination)
Termin składania zgłoszeń
Termin zgłoszeń: 31/07/2024 23:59