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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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Unleash your inner artist at Kaunas artist house

NGO "Actio Catholica Patria"

Kaunas artist house

Kaunas, Litwa


Kaunas Artists' House is a centre for contemporary culture. We carry out cultural activities, present contemporary art, especially emerging artists, organize and present cultural programs to the public. KAH produces cultural and artistic content as well as coordinates city cultural information thruogh Cultural Infocenter. While KAH has been operating for half a century and is one of the oldest cultural institution in Kaunas, the team of KAH consists of a gruop of young professionals, working on progressive ideas and principles of equality, inclusion and tollerance. Since 2017 the following platforms are consistently created and developed at KAH: artistic residencies, educational programes and the Cultural Infocenter. Next to that we carry different projects raging from exhibitions and concerts to cultural activities with specific communities (LGBTQ+, people with certain dissabilities, refugees, etc.).

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

Accommodation in a private room in a shared apartment - Monthly ticket for public transportation - Monthly food and pocket money (220 eur/month).

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

Volunteering group meetings once a month - Meeting with a mentor once a month - On-arrival and mid-term trainings - Online language learning - Participating in public solidarity events - Organization of info/promo solidarity events

Profil uczestnika

We are looking for a person who is curious and open minded, communicative and able to work on a changing schedule (as every week is a bit different, depending on the projects we work on). Previous experience in art isn't necessary, but an interest in/or art, social justice and politics would be welcomed. You will: - join an open minded community of creatives; - get to know cultural life of Kaunas in particular and Lithuania in general; - get a chance to understand your intentions in cultural/educational fields and gain experience of working on various projects;

Daty projektu

Od 01/02/2023 do 30/11/2023

Miejsce realizacji projektu

Kaunas, Litwa

Wolontariat indywidualny

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Austria, Belgia, Bułgaria, Cypr, Republika Czeska, Niemcy, Dania, Estonia, Grecja, Hiszpania, Finlandia, Francja, Chorwacja, Węgry, Irlandia, Islandia, Włochy, Liechtenstein, Litwa, Luksemburg, Łotwa, Malta, Niderlandy, Norwegia, Polska, Portugalia, Rumunia, Szwecja, Słowenia, Słowacja, Ukraina

Tematy projektu

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Brak terminu zgłoszeń