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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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Join our "Youth Volunteer For Climate" team in Concordia Orléans !

Concordia Centre-Val de Loire

Orléans, Francja


Please fill the application form : More info : The main project of the ESC volunteer will be to organize activities in team on topics such as Sustainable Development and the environmental raising awareness (zero waste workshop; promote organic food, local agriculture and short food supply chains; education for poor people, proper waste disposal campaign; spread awareness as much as possible..). We are not an organisation which has already planned activities, but we give to volunteers the possibility to try the activities they want. We will be here as support, give you advice and tools, but you mostly will be in autonomy in the construction of your project (with other volunteers).

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

The volunteer will live in a shared flat near to the office. He/she will have his/her own bedroom/toilets/shower and will share the apartment with 7 volunteers from different organizations. Together, volunteers share all the tasks relative to the daily life : cleaning and taking care of the place. The accommodation is located in the city center, all the facilities are on the neighborhood (bakery, pharmacy, supermarket…). The volunteer will get a certain amount of money every months and will manage it him/herself.

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

Concordia Centre Val de Loire offers training to volunteers in the fields of ecology and environmental awareness, the social and solidarity economy. We support them in their professional project. We hold at least one team meeting per week and we attach great importance to ensuring that everyone can find their place

Profil uczestnika

Please fill the application form : No specific competence is required except the fact to be committed in this field. We wish to welcome a volunteer who is interested in the protection of the environment. He/she must be dynamic and social because he/she will have to go meet other people to complete the mission. Be ready to be challenged and to learn the French language. Motivation is an important criterion

Daty projektu

Od 28/10/2024 do 27/06/2025

Miejsce realizacji projektu

48 rue du Bourdon Blanc, Orléans, Francja

Wolontariat indywidualny

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgia, Bułgaria, Cypr, Republika Czeska, Niemcy, Dania, Estonia, Grecja, Hiszpania, Finlandia, Gruzja, Chorwacja, Węgry, Irlandia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Litwa, Luksemburg, Łotwa, Moldova (Republic of), Czarnogóra, Macedonia Północna, Malta, Niderlandy, Norwegia, Polska, Palestyna, Portugalia, Rumunia, Serbia, Russian Federation, Szwecja, Słowenia, Słowacja, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraina, Zjednoczone Królestwo

Tematy projektu

Environment and natural protection

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Brak terminu zgłoszeń