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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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EVS w Grecji, Kalamata - Discovering similarities

Stowarzyszenie Aktywnosci Obywatelskiej Bona Fides




Tasks that promote volunteerism and the ERASMUS+ programme in the Youth Centre of Kalamata,such as: 1. EVS cafes, where the volunteers, together with ex-volunteers from Greece that have come back to Kalamata,will present the European Voluntary Services in general, as well as specific examples of projects and opportunities 2.Informational evenings,with information about past and future learning mobility opportunities (youth exchanges,seminars,TC) 3.Informational visits of schools in the Youth Centre 4.Preparation and running the “info point” for local youngsters,which mainly gives information about European mobility projects 5.Organizing “EVS cafes”,small events that promote European Voluntary Service to local youth.They will also participate in special events promoting the ERASMUS+ programme,especially concerning the youth sector More:

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

The choice of the volunteers’ accommodation is done having in mind very strict criteria in the field of safety. The receiving organisation has chosen an apartment in a building which meets all safety criteria and all the equipment of the apartment meets the E.U. safety rules. Additionally, the owner will be informed about the needs of the volunteers in case he needs to provide any assistance in problems concerning the house or in case of an emergency. For FOOD the volunteers will receive an extra allowance, with which they will have the responsibility to make their own arrangements.

Formação durante a atividade

Before the volunteers’ departure for the project Bona Fides (EVS coordinator - Natalia Podbielska)will prepare them duringpre-departure training The K.A.N.E gives volunteers a good description of the activities that they will undertake during their Service, the practical arrangements etc, and is ready to answer any additional questions that the volunteers may have. They are going also to send them information material that would help them to better understand the project, the working environment and the hosting city. K.A.N.E will provide Greek cultural training courses

Perfil do participante

we are looking for motivated young people, that wish to participate in an EVS project and work with civil society organisation, but we are not looking for volunteers with specific skills or back ground. What is importance is that the volunteers in this project will have the motivation to advance their skills, through non-formal and informal education. We are also looking for young people with communication skills, social skills, enthusiastic, creative, with a sense of initiative. What is the most important candidates have to be open-minded and tollerant

Datas da atividade

De 01/09/2017 a 31/07/2018

Local da atividade


Voluntariado individual

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Temas da atividade

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 06/08/2017 23:59