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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Summer Vibes

Sdruzenie "Svyat na bydeshteto"

Future world Association

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgária


Our project will bring together twelve young people from different countries for some unforgettable "summer vibes" in the lovely mountain town of Tryavna. Things to do and enjoy together: - Organise summer camps for local kids - one camp dedicated to ecology and another one dedicated to intercultural learning. - Organise outdoor activities for local youngster and local community - disco nights, cinema nights, games, etc. - Organise "Outdoor Fun" Festival in Tryavna - a three-day family festival. - Support Tryavna Ultra Marathon event as a volunteer. - Hike. - Try some street art.

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

Accommodation: At the dormitory of the National Highschool for Fine Arts. Participants will share a room for two or three people maximum. Dorm is located in a alking distance from everything. Food: Volunteers will receive financial support for food. Kitchen is available at the dorm. Transport: Travel costs will be reimbursed to the participants up to the maximum based on the distance calcualtor of the EU Commission, and only after all travel documents are provided.

Formação durante a atividade

Join us and you will learn: - How to work with kids at different ages, how to plan, prepare and realise educational activities and art workshops with them. - How to do some easy street art. - How to communicate with people from different nationalities. - How to be yourself even if out of your comfort zone. - How to put in practise your creativity, communication skills, anaytical thinking and responsibility.

Perfil do participante

Even if you don't have skills, we will all teach each other. Good mood and positivism is the greatest priority for selection!

Datas da atividade

De 01/07/2023 a 31/08/2023

Local da atividade

7 Kolonya Tovar Str, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgária

Equipas de voluntariado

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Albânia, Arménia, Bósnia­-Herzegovina, Chipre, República Checa, Alemanha, Dinamarca, Estónia, Egito, Grécia, Espanha, Finlândia, Geórgia, Croácia, Hungria, Itália, Lituânia, Macedónia do Norte, Sérvia, Eslovénia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Kosovo * UN resolution

Temas da atividade

Environment and natural protection

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 10/06/2023 23:59