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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Baseballschule/Baseball school (sports, project management, marketing)



Vienna, Áustria


Baseball-Schule Wien is a non-profit organisation in Vienna that promotes exercise and health of children and young people. We use innovative concepts and baseball as a platform to support the development of children and youngsters. Our target group are kids between the ages of 4 and 16. We want to give young people a positive perspective on life and all its challenges. As a volunteer you will be working alongside the coaches in our daily work. You will support us with our projects and cooperations with schools, kindergartens and social institutions, as well as the different events that we have throughout the year. Your tasks will be to support our administrative work, as well as help with our project preparations and implementation. Your activity fields will be: project management, marketing and communication, assisting in sports activities and events.

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

You will be provided with a ticket for the public transport in Vienna. You will receive pocket money and a monthly food allowance. You will stay in a single room at a flat or student dorm, sharing facilities like kitchen and bathroom with others. WE CURRENTLY CAN UNFORTUNATELY ONLY ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FROM EU RESIDENTS.

Formação durante a atividade

On-arrival training and mid-term meeting provided by the Austrian National Agency. Task-related support and training provided by the host organisation. Welcome days, Youthpass workshop, leisure time program, etc. provided by the coordinating organisation Grenzenlos.

Perfil do participante

Applicants should be motivated to work with kids and have an interest in sports, project management, and communication. No previous knowledge or skills are required. It will be of advantage if you have basic knowledge in German, English, or Spanish, but it is not a requirement. IMPORTANT !!! TO APPLY PLEASE FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE DESCRIBED HERE: APPLICATIONS WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED IF THEY SEND THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO BEFORE THE APPLICATION DEADLINE

Datas da atividade

De 01/09/2023 a 31/08/2024

Local da atividade

Vienna, Áustria

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Áustria, Bélgica, Bulgária, Chipre, República Checa, Alemanha, Dinamarca, Estónia, Grécia, Espanha, Finlândia, França, Croácia, Hungria, Irlanda, Islândia, Itália, Listenstaine, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Letónia, Malta, Países Baixos, Noruega, Polónia, Portugal, Roménia, Suécia, Eslovénia, Eslováquia, Ucrânia

Temas da atividade

Health and wellbeing

Physical education and sport

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 26/07/2023 23:59