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European Solidarity Corps

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Solidarity in Primorska

TRAJNOSTNI PARK ISTRA, raziskovalno-izobrazevalni zavod za trajnostni razvoj


Črni Kal, Slovenia


During the "Solidarity in Primorska" project, Park Istra will host 4 volunteers for 61 days. Volunteers will help people in need, support local communities and NGO-s, farmers, work with children and elderly homes and much more. If you would like to help, get many new skills and work in a group of volunteers from all over Europe, our volunteer center is a great place to be. In 2021 project was awarded nomination as one of the top five volunteering projects in Europe by Salto Awards.

Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

Volunteers will stay in volunteer center in village Kastelec. We have shared rooms that can accommodate 16 volunteers (2 rooms for 2 volunteers and 2 for 6 volunteers), 2 shared toilets and showers, big kitchen, living room, relaxation room and beautiful surroundings. Just behind the house we have basketball court, small fitness, trampoline and slack line. Volunteers cook together 3 vegetarian meals. Project covers travel costs, accommodation, food, insurance and 5 eur of pocket money per day. Coastal city Koper is 10 min car drive away.

Training during the activity

In Park Istra you will get full support of working coordinator and personal mentor. In your free time we share with one another our knowledge, play social games, walk on slackline, go swimming, rock climbing (there are great climbing sites nearby), play volleyball, basketball, read, watch movies, talk and explore beautiful Slovenia. Our surroundings, Istria, is a fine region to practice hiking, biking and climbing. Istria is one of the Europe's top locations for culinary experiences.

Participant profile

Park Istra welcomes volunteers interested in a variety of topics related to sustainability, environment protection, charity and education. Have in mind that a lot of the work we do is physical (easy renovation work, farming, mantaing trekking paths...) so be ready to get your hands dirty. The main characteristics that we will look for in volunteers is high motivation to help others. Volunteers with fewer opportunities have advantage.

Activity dates

Frá 26/02/2024 Til 26/04/2024

Activity location

Kastelec 21, Črni Kal, Slovenia

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey

Activity topics

Social challenges

Environment and natural protection

Deadline for applications

Umsóknarfresti: 15/12/2023 23:59