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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Youth Centre ECHO in Austria



Graz, Áustria


INFOPACK ON | Application form: | JUKUS is a non-governmental organisation specialising in the promotion of youth, culture and sport. JUKUS runs a youth centre ECHO. The target group are young people with a multicultural background. Young people can spend their free time and join activities, such as games, indoor and outdoor activities, sports, wood and metal workshops, bicycle repair, cooking sessions, activities for boys* and girls* only. Learning support and coaching is provided. The role of the ECS volunteer is to support the team and their daily work, assist in workshops and projects, initiate own projects. Therefore, an active person with an interest in youth issues is welcome. Any special interests, such as sports, crafts and so on is a plus.

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

JUKUS will provide a volunteer with a room at student's dormitory. There is the opportunity either to use a provided bicycle to reach the organisation or to use public transportation (ticket provided). The locations are reachable by bus or tram. Food allowance and pocket money are provided according to programme guidelines.

Formação durante a atividade

The Volunteer will be provided at least with an On-Arrival Training and a Mid-Term Training, organized by the Austrian National Agency. The volunteer will have a possibility to attend German course. Ongoing support will be provided by experienced colleagues.

Perfil do participante

Apply on an application form here: |fill the form, attach your CV and a cover letter in EN or DE; in case you cannot upload the documents, please send them to with a subject "ECHO" | More information: | Profile: open, communicative, initiative, self-organised person with concrete ideas for youth; interest in social and pedagogical work; trustworthy and a team player; motivated to speak German.

Datas da atividade

De 02/05/2024 a 30/04/2025

Local da atividade

Annenstraße 39, Graz, Áustria

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Albânia, Arménia, Áustria, Azerbaijão, Bósnia­-Herzegovina, Bélgica, Bulgária, Chipre, República Checa, Alemanha, Dinamarca, Estónia, Grécia, Espanha, Finlândia, França, Geórgia, Croácia, Hungria, Irlanda, Islândia, Itália, Listenstaine, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Letónia, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Macedónia do Norte, Malta, Países Baixos, Noruega, Polónia, Portugal, Roménia, Sérvia, Suécia, Eslovénia, Eslováquia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Kosovo * UN resolution

Temas da atividade

Social challenges

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Education and training

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 29/02/2024 23:59