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European Solidarity Corps

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Twinning as the first step towards mobility

Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Isle, France


The town twinning association of Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ACJNA) is looking for one volunteer for one volunteering project in France. Objectives : Promoting youth mobility into town twinning in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Ensuring a better implication of young people into town twinning in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Activities : Sharing his/her mobility experience with young people involved in twinning in the region, Promote volunteering in the twinning network in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Informing young people from town twinning about the opportunities of international mobility and youth initiatives, Helping twinning committees on their mobility projects, Participating to build and animate trainings about mobility, Helping to communicate and promote European and international mobility, Participating in a common project with other volunteers. PLEASE SEND CV AND COVER LETTER IN FRENCH OR ENGLISH TO :

Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

- Accommodation (shared flat with a private room, in the city centre of Limoges) provided by the host organisation, - Round-trip ticket (according to the scale of the European solidarity corps), - Local transport (bus card and bike), - An amount of money will be given each month to take charge of food, - Health insurance (Henner), - Pocket money for personal costs (7€/day, approximately 210€/month).

Training during the activity

- Mobility preparation (by the sending organisation), - On-arrival and mid-term trainings with other European volunteers, (in another French city), - The volunteer will be followed by the sending organisation and the host organisation (ACJNA), - Information about the ACJNA actions, town twinning and mobility at the arrival and during the project, - Language classes : at least online French lessons (thanks to OLS platform).

Participant profile

Age : 18-30 year-old volunteer, Resident in a EU countries, Iceland or Norway, No special certification, diploma or professional experience are required, Being spontaneous, open-minded and be ready to have challenges, Eager to learn and contribute actively to the association activities, Being ready to live in an urban area from 210 000 inhabitants, Having interests in the field of twinning, interculturalism, mobility and youth, Basic notions of French would be more convenient for the project (or will to learn and speak French during the mobility).

Activity dates

A total of 34 week(s) during the period 01/05/2024 to 31/12/2024

Activity location

13, rue Joseph Cazautets, Isle, France

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia

Activity topics

Citizenship and democratic participation

Deadline for applications

Umsóknarfresti: 25/03/2024 23:59