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Ευρωπαϊκό Σώμα Αλληλεγγύης

Η ισχύς εν τη ενώσει

New Activities Promoting Local Empowerment and Solidarity - Vol. 2

Noi@Europe ETS

Associazione "Noi@Europe"

Napoli, Ιταλία


The general framework of the volunteers engagement will be to promote the quality leisure time of young people spreading the values of the EU though events and initiatives. The volunteers will support our team in organising activities for our activities within the Europe Direct Centre Napoli and the public libraries in the East periphery of Napoli, such such as the management of the info-desk providing young people with information about international mobility opportunities, language workshops for young people, organisation of events for the community. The volunteers will also be involved in the organisation of informative events cooperating with the local educational Institutions (high schools and the college in Napoli and surrounded area). The volunteers will also support the association in the creation of youth-friendly online content (both in our social media channels and website) and they can work on their own personal project.

Διαμονή, διατροφή και έξοδα μετακίνησης

The accommodation is provided by the coordinating/hosting organisation. The volunteers will be in an apartment close to the subway/railway station, the tram station and some bus stops to the centre. The volunteers will receive the monthly transportation subscription at the beginning of every month. The flat is also close to one of the hosting organisation offices. Each volunteer will have his/her own room. The volunteers will receive pocket money + food allowance.

Κατάρτιση κατά τη δραστηριότητα

The volunteers will have two training's provided by the Italian National Agency (Agenzia Nazionale Giovani). They will participate in the "On-arrival training" at the beginning of their arrival and a "Mid-term evaluation" around the 4/th/5th month of their project period. The accommodation and the travel expenses for the participation in both the training are covered by the National Agency

Προφίλ συμμετέχοντος

This call is open to all young people aged between 18 and 30 years old. We generally look for volunteers who are dynamic, creative, sociable, patient, able to work in a team, sociable, flexible, and creative: we would like to host people with interesting hobbies, with their own ideas, and open to different cultures. However, we also look for volunteers who like work with social media and in the youth information system. Nevertheless, strong motivation, willingness to see and to do something new, curiosity about the world and other cultures are welcome :)

Ημερομηνίες δραστηριότητας

Από 01/07/2024 έως 31/05/2025

Τοποθεσία δραστηριότητας

Napoli, Ιταλία

Ατομικός εθελοντισμός

Αναζήτηση για συμμετέχοντες από

Αυστρία, Βέλγιο, Γερμανία, Δανία, Εσθονία, Ελλάδα, Ισπανία, Φινλανδία, Γαλλία, Γεωργία, Κροατία, Ουγγαρία, Ιρλανδία, Λιθουανία, Λουξεμβούργο, Λετονία, Μαυροβούνιο, Μάλτα, Κάτω Χώρες, Πολωνία, Πορτογαλία, Ρουμανία, Σερβία, Σουηδία, Σλοβενία, Σλοβακία

Θέματα της δραστηριότητας

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων

Προθεσμία υποβολής υποψηφιοτήτων: 30/06/2024 23:59