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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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ESC in Southern Italy in an organic farm


Fattoria L'Arca

Belvedere Marittimo, Włochy


Fattoria l’Arca is a certified organic farm located in the South of Italy. It offers a retreat for guests looking to reconnect with nature and local products cultivated organically. L’Arca is looking for volunteers to be involved in farming activities. The volunteers' task will be: • Organic gardening and farming • Support in farmhouse activities • Possibly help in the kitchen in the preparation of ingredients harvested in the fields

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

Accomodation will be provided on site in a SHARED room with another volunteer. Financial support will consist of a pocket money of 6 euros per day. Meals will be prepared and shared with the staff during the activities. The travel expenses will be reimbursed on the basis defined by the European Commission.

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

Volunteers will have access to pre-departure training, on Arrival Training and Mid-Term Evaluation and final evaluation according to the Programme.

Profil uczestnika

Available for the WHOLE duration of the project: July 2024 - January 2025, with possibility to extend to 12 months. Legally resident in the European Union country. - interested in the topic of the project, - motivated and eager to learn, - adaptable and open-minded, - able to work in a team, - willing to start the day EARLY in the morning (6 AM) - respectful of common rules - loving nature and animals - ready to live in a remote area

Daty projektu

Od 03/07/2024 do 03/01/2025

Miejsce realizacji projektu

Belvedere Marittimo, Calabria, Italy, Belvedere Marittimo, Włochy

Wolontariat indywidualny

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Austria, Belgia, Bułgaria, Republika Czeska, Niemcy, Dania, Estonia, Grecja, Hiszpania, Finlandia, Chorwacja, Węgry, Irlandia, Islandia, Włochy, Litwa, Łotwa, Niderlandy, Norwegia, Polska, Portugalia, Rumunia, Szwecja, Słowenia, Słowacja, Ukraina

Tematy projektu

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Nutrition and subsistence agriculture

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Termin zgłoszeń: 03/05/2024 23:59