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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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6 Months in the Artistic Community: Exploring Creativity in Krosno

Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych

Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych

Krosno, Polónia


Experience an incredible opportunity to be part of our project at Krosno's BWA Art Gallery. We are looking for 4 creative volunteers to join us on this captivating journey! Collaborate with artists, creators, graphic designers, and educators to organize exciting artistic workshops, engaging exhibitions, and vibrant cultural events. No matter your area of interest – be it multimedia, photography, or film – you can focus on developing your skills and exploring your passion. Our experienced professionals will guide you, helping you enhance your artistic abilities and gain valuable knowledge. Krosno is renowned for its rich artistic heritage, making it the perfect place for this project. Immerse yourself in the local art scene, discover hidden gems, and become an active part of the creative community. Connect with like-minded individuals and forge meaningful collaborations and friendships that will extend beyond the project.

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

Join our artistic community in Krosno and enjoy fantastic benefits! You'll receive free accommodation in a two-room flat, sharing a double room with another volunteer. Additionally, you'll receive a daily cash allowance of 47 PLN for food and pocket money, along with reimbursement of travel expenses. No need to worry about local transportation. Don't miss this opportunity! Apply now to become part of our vibrant artistic community in Krosno.

Formação durante a atividade

During orientation week, we provide trainings on organizational culture, job-related workshops, personal development, and more. Later in the project, you will collaborate with our dedicated gallery staff who will support you with ongoing activities and provide necessary preparations. Before applying, take the time to familiarize yourself with our institution and Krosno. Explore our activities, projects, and visit our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. We appreciate applicants who understand our mission. Don't miss this opportunity!

Perfil do participante

Apply early for a better chance! We seek 4 passionate individuals from listed countries for a 6-months project. Arts and culture background preferred. Include a unique motivational statement in your application, showcasing your understanding of our gallery. We prioritize candidates facing obstacles. Join our inclusive community and contribute to our development. Stand out with a tailored statement highlighting your skills and how you can benefit our gallery. Show your passion and make a difference!

Datas da atividade

De 01/08/2024 a 31/01/2025

Local da atividade

Wojciecha Roberta Portiusa 4, Krosno, Polónia

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Albânia, Áustria, Bélgica, Bósnia­-Herzegovina, Croácia, França, Bulgária, Canary Islands, República Checa, Chipre, Dinamarca, Estónia, Finlândia, Geórgia, Grécia, Alemanha, Países Baixos, Gronelândia, Itália, Islândia, Hungria, Irlanda, Letónia, Lituânia, Macedónia do Norte, Kosovo * UN resolution, Reino Unido, Wallis e Futuna, Ucrânia, Suécia, Espanha, Eslováquia, Eslovénia, Portugal, Roménia, Noruega, Listenstaine, Luxemburgo, Malta, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Virgin Islands (British)

Temas da atividade

Education and training

Creativity and culture

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 08/07/2024 23:59