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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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ESC Voluntary Service in the Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken

Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken

Würzburg, Niemcy


The Youth Education Center in Lower Frankonia (Jugendbildungsstätte Unterfranken) is a 20 year old seminar house in the periphery of Würzburg based on the racism critical migration pedagogy. What does it mean? Basically the Jubi Unterfranken offers school classes, educators, teachers and even external groups workshops and trainings where dynamics of racism, discrimination and power are analysed, discussed and looked at from a critical perspective. The volunteer will support the pedagogical team in its daily activities, as well as he/she will have the opportunity to take part in the workshops organized by the team.

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

The volunteer will receive: room in a flat in Würzburg, pocket money, food money, German language course, monthly ticket for the local transport, insurance, reimbursement of the international travel costs (two ways), pedagogical, organizational and personal support.

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

During the ESC year the volunteer will take part in two obligatory seminars organized by the National Agency, which will take place in another German city. In addition he/she will participate every month in a meeting involving other volunteers in the region and the project coordinators.

Profil uczestnika

The volunteer will be part of the pedagogical team of the educational institution. His/her tasks include helping the educational team to prepare workshops on anti-discrimination and anti-racism.

Daty projektu

Od 02/09/2024 do 30/08/2025

Miejsce realizacji projektu

Berner Straße 14, Würzburg, Niemcy

Wolontariat indywidualny

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Francja, Hiszpania, Włochy, Portugalia, Szwecja, Finlandia, Estonia, Litwa, Łotwa, Słowacja, Słowenia, Republika Czeska, Węgry, Chorwacja, Grecja, Niderlandy, Belgia, Rumunia, Norwegia, Malta, Cypr, Irlandia, Canary Islands, Austria, Ukraina, Dania, Bośnia i Hercegowina, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Luksemburg, Polska

Tematy projektu

Social challenges

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Education and training

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Termin zgłoszeń: 20/07/2024 15:00