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European Solidarity Corps

Моќта на заедништвото

Multiplying opportunities for volunteers engagement XI


Barcelona, Шпанија


The role of the volunteers who will participate in our ESC project will be to support the incoming, outgoing and the ESC areas; each of them will be supporting the back office work that is done during the placement of international volunteers in Catalonia, during the placement of catalan volunteers who will go abroad, and will be fostering international mobility and long-term voluntary service opportunities and helping its diffusion at local and international levels. The volunteers will be promoting the international voluntary service, producing all kinds of promotion material, participating in informative sessions and training, updating the blog and COCAT’s social networks. They will manage mostly administrative tasks and will work in a team in COCAT’s office in Barcelona. TO APPLY: We ONLY considerate candidates who fill in THIS FORM: For more detailed information, check in our web page:

Сместување, храна и транспорт

The volunteers will have to look for accommodation in Barcelona with COCAT's support if needed. Depending on the rent of the apartment, the rest of the organizational support will be given to the volunteer for food and transport arrangements.

Training during the activity

The volunteers will participate in the ESC "Welcome training" in the beginning of the mobility, and later on, in the "Middle term evaluation" training. They will attend specific training for each area where they will work in COCAT’s office.

Participant profile

Strong motivation for youth voluntary projects, lots of motivation and proactivity, experience in volunteering and back office work, good English level, and the consciousness that the project will have a big administrative work. Will be positively valued having participated in a work camp or in other international youth projects (youth exchanges, training), Spanish knowledge, the will to learn Catalan and ability for foreign languages, and experience/interest in communication and social media.

Activity dates

Од 01/02/2025 до 30/09/2025

Activity location

C/Calàbria 120 baixos, Barcelona, Шпанија

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Германија, Ерменија, Австрија, Белгија, Република Чешка, Хрватска, Словачка, Словенија, Шпанија, Естонија, Финска, Данска, Франција, Грција, Грузија, Унгарија, Италија, Норвешка, Холандија, Полска, Португалија, Србија, Шведска, Турција, Украина, Палестина, Бугарија, Литванија, Кипар, Малта, Романија, Босна и Херцеговина, Азербејџан, Ирска, Луксембург, Лихтенштајн, Црна Гора, Белорусија, Moldova (Republic of), Египет, Либан, Либија, Мароко, Syrian Arab Republic, Тунис

Activity topics

Social challenges

Citizenship and democratic participation

Education and training

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 20/10/2024 23:59