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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Galileo Progetti Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság


Torino, Itália


URGENT CALL!!! ACTIVITY START: as soon as possible / END: September 2, 2019. For the concrete start date please contact us: We are searching for 1 volunteer FROM HUNGARY for an EVS project in Italy! SECTOR OF ACTIVITY: - activities with children and adult disable people (we manage daily centers doing artistic, sport, musical, socialisation activities, handmaking products to be sold, support at study, individual interventions with children and families, etc); - activities with children from 0-3 and 4-6 years old (kindergarten, playrooms for socialization activities, creative, manual, physical, theatrical workshops, etc); - social and community theatre projects with local community (young people, adult, groups, disable people, adult with difficulties, etc.) and disable people inside and outside Stranaidea; - daily activities with a small group of homeless people (gardening, cooking, painting, cleaning, etc)

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

- travel to arrive to Italy and go back at the end of the project - food € 150 per month (breakfast/dinner and week-end meals; lunch is usually given in the services) - public transport monthly card to move in Turin to reach services where to volunteer - monthly allowance in Italy for personal expenses € 115 (pocket money) established by the Erasmus+ Programme - a health insurance coverage for each volunteer arranged by sending organisations before departure - Volunteers will live in flats with shared bedrooms (bedroom shared by 2 max 3 girls or boys, divided by sex gender)

Formação durante a atividade

on-line Italian language course

Perfil do participante

We are searching for 1 volunteer FROM HUNGARY. ACTIVITY START: as soon as possible / END: September 2, 2019. For the concrete start date please contact us: Italian knowledge, as well as special education or experience is not required. Required: MOTIVATION, OPEN MIND and PROACTIVE ATTITUDE

Datas da atividade

De 01/10/2018 a 02/09/2019

Local da atividade

Torino, Itália

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países


Temas da atividade

Health and wellbeing

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Não há data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas