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European Solidarity Corps

Sterkari saman

Mothers in Action



Latiano, Italy


The volunteer will serve in a community for mothers with children victims of violence. The voluntary activity will be divided as follows: 5 days a week for 5 hours a day. Volunteers will support educators in their educational work: after-school activities, recreational activities as board games, outdoor games, listening to fairy tales, handy work, gardening, painting, and various creative workshops. Support the educator and / or the mothers in the implementation of outdoor activities: sports, games, afternoon outings such as playgrounds, shopping centers, walks to the sea, and swimming pool. The service will include also: mother-child assistance and assistance to mothers in domestic and cooking activities.

Gisting, fæði og ferðatilhögun

Costs covered: Travel costs up to EUR 275 based on real costs and EUR 740 pocket money for the total duration of the service. Accommodation and food will be provided by the hosting organization. Insurance is provided for the full duration of the voluntary service.

Training during the activity

All activities will have the Learning-by-doing character, while On Arrival Training will be provided by the Italian National Agency.

Participant profile

We are looking for: A young female participant (preferably 19-25 years old) with interest in social issues, especially with regard to women victims of violence. The participant will develop animation skills for children, as recreational activities, theatrical and musical activities.

Activity dates

Frá 22/04/2018 Til 21/10/2018

Activity location

Via Giuseppe di Vittorio, 29, Latiano, Italy

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from


Activity topics

Deadline for applications

Umsóknarfresti: 31/03/2018 23:59