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European Solidarity Corps

Моќта на заедништвото

ReactEVS II - Centre obert Rialles

Centre Obert Rialles - Fundació Champagnat

Centre Obert Rialles

Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Шпанија


EVS vacancies. Mundus Association is looking for 2 EVS volunteers 18-30 years old (from Italy or Portugal) for a long term European Voluntary Service project which will take place from October 2018 to July 2019 (10 months) in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) and Barcelona city. Depending on volunteer´s profile they will help in different tasks related to activities for youth & children with fewer opportunities. This youth center offers different activities, workshops and social attention to children in risk of exclusion (few opportunities). The volunteer working in this center will help the youth workers developing different activities. They need creative people able to carry out new ideas. The volunteer will help from Monday to Friday in the afternoon.

Сместување, храна и транспорт

This project is founded by the European Commission through Erasmus+ programme. The project covers: -Travel costs (up to the limits established in Erasmus+ Guide distance calculator) -Accommodation: you will share a flat in Sant Andreu (Barcelona) with other volunteers. It will be fully equipped (kitchen, bathrooms, washing machine, etc). It is possible that you will share your bedroom with other volunteer of the same sex/gender. -Monthly food + pocket money: 250€ approx. -Insurance CIGNA -Language course (classroom or online, Spanish/Catalan). -Local transport

Participant profile

-Young volunteers (18-30 years old) from Italy or Portugal. -Able to communicate in Spanish. English is an extra. -A motivated, sociable, proactive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, self-reliant person. -Someone who has no problems with sharing an apartment / bedroom with other volunteers. -Someone who doesn´t want to come to Barcelona for vacations.

Activity dates

Од 01/10/2018 до 31/07/2019

Activity location

Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Шпанија

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

Activity topics

Education and training

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 24/08/2018 23:59