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Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade

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Breton team of volunteers - strollad breizh

Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne et Pays de la Loire

Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne Pays de la Loire

Rennes - Saint Laurent, França


This voluntary project will gather a group of 12 European volunteers with 2 french volunteers to create a team. Two missions : enchancement of built heritage and the development of relations with locals. The worksite will be in Saint Laurent (Côtes d'armor county) from august 6th to august 27th. With a professional technical leader they might have to do some masonry works. The volunteers will work from Monday to Friday, around 30 hours a week. Depending of the opportunities, a time will be spared to discover the region. The volunteers will have days off between the activities. Before, and after the workcamps, volunteers will be accomodated in individual bedrooms in Rennes (student accomodation)

Comparticipação nas despesas de alojamento, alimentação e transporte

Individual tents during workcamps Individual bedrooms in student accomodation during periods in Rennes (before, after the workcamps) Common budget for food during workcamps / 7euros/day during periods in Rennes

Perfil do participante

18 - 30 years old Being a volunteer requires commitment, sense of responsability, open minded, motivation and availability during all the project.The volunteers will have to deal with a mixed group of different nationalities (Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Romania, Estonia) and create relationships with local communities. Also, the volunteer have to be interested by french language and culture, and be able to do physical outside work.

Datas da atividade

De 30/07/2018 a 31/08/2018

Local da atividade

Rennes - Saint Laurent, França

Voluntariado individual

Procuramos participantes dos seguintes países

Alemanha, Estónia, Espanha, Itália, Polónia, Roménia

Temas da atividade

Data-limite para a apresentação de candidaturas

Prazo de candidatura: 30/07/2018 23:59