One Year of European Volunteering at the Service to Others

One Year of European Volunteering at the Service to Others

Le Neuhof

Strasbourg, France

Activity description

Our institution is a home for children located in Neuhof, one of the districts of Strasbourg. It is run the whole year round, 365 days a year, and boards 70 children aged from 3 to 18 years whose families are facing heavy social difficulties. The children’s schooling takes place outside the institution. It is as a protective measure that the Children’s judge decides to place minors in the home Le Neuhof. 90% of the service’s time of the volunteer is dedicated to the contact with the children. The other 10% are meant for team and information meetings. A typical day during schooltime takes place as following: - 7:30- 8:30AM: getting up the children, breakfast, make sure that the children have their daily wash -11:30AM - 14:00PM: meal, accompaniment of the children’s free time - 16:00-22:00PM: accompaniment of the homework, of the leisure activities, of the meal, of the daily wash and of the bedtime

Konaklama, yemek ve yol ayarlamaları

Accomodation is provided on the institution’s site to the volunteers, in a separate flat made of five rooms, one living/dining room, two showers and one WC. The flat is located on a different floor from the children’s.

Training during the activity

Several seminar offered by VISA ad and by the French National Agency throughout the year.

Participant profile

Interest for the target group (disadvantaged children).

Activity dates

04/09/2023 ila 31/07/2024 arasını kapsayan sürede toplam 47 hafta

Activity location

Strasbourg France

Looking for participants from

Cezayir, Avusturya, Belçika, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Estonya, Yunanistan, İspanya, Finlandiya, Hırvatistan, Gürcistan, Polonya, Norveç, Malta, Kıbrıs, İzlanda, İtalya, Portekiz, İrlanda

Activity topics

Eğitim ve öğretim

Deadline for applications

No application deadline