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Corpul european de solidaritate

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ESC in Vauban high school 20/21 - CV/ML:

Bureau Information jeunesse de Brest

Lycée Vauban

Brest, Franța


Vauban high school is pretty special because it is based on 2 different geographical sites, one called Vauban the other one called Lanroze. That’s why volunteer’s activities will be lead on 2 different sites. The volunteer will be assigned to two different services, The information and documentation center (IDC) and the cafeteria in order to improve the pupil services. Their schedule will be distributed between both sites. Activities at the IDC: In close relation with the librarians, the EVS volunteers will: - welcome the pupils - Set up animations/workshops/exhibitions (on his country/culture/language, traditional holidays, sport, crafts, Christmas decorations, etc.) With the pupil’s dedicated space, the Cafeteria - set up thematic workshops/exhibitions/ debates (fight against discrimination, freedom of press, music, cinema, Europe, etc.) - find and contact external speaker, take part in meetings, set up projects with pupils - create presentations, leaflets, posters...

Cazare, hrană și transport

The 3 volunteers (1 volunteer, over the 3, arrived one month ago) will be accommodated in an independent flat in the high school site. Each one will get his/her own bedroom and will share a kitchen and a bathroom with the other volunteers. The volunteer will get 220 € each month to prepare his/her own meals. The volunteer will get a monthly subscription, for free, to the bus and tramway network. Brest is a large seaport situated on the Atlantic coast (300km from Rennes which is the capital of Brittany, our region). Population of Brest : 150 000 inhabitants including 26 000 students.

Formare pe durata activității

- Pre-departure training (PDT): organised by his/her sending organisation - On-arrival training (OAT): organised by the French National Agency - Mid-term training (MTT): organised by the French National Agency - Final evaluation: organised by his/her sending organisation Besides, during his/her EVS the volunteer will get: - a task-support mentor - a personal mentor

Profilul participantului

andidates have to send their application (CV + motivation letter) to Agnès Pissavy, project’s coordinator, at Please write down the project title in your email object (we have been recruiting for several projects). Application deadline: June, 7th, 2020 Warning! We won’t take into consideration general application letters sent to dozens of projects.

Datele activității

De la 16/11/2020 până la 14/06/2021

Locul activității

Brest, Franța

Voluntariat individual

Se caută participanți din

Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cipru, Republica Cehă, Germania, Danemarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spania, Finlanda, Croația, Ungaria, Irlanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburg, Letonia, Țările de Jos, Norvegia, Polonia, Portugalia, România, Suedia, Slovenia, Slovacia

Temele activității

Citizenship and democratic participation

Creativity and culture

Data-limită pentru înscriere

Termenul-limită pentru înscriere: 17/10/2020 23:59