Volunteering with children and youth at "Elisabethheim"

Volunteering with children and youth at "Elisabethheim"

Elisabethheim Havetoft

Havetoft, Germany

Il termine per presentare domanda è scaduto.

Descrizione dell'attività

The Elisabethheim Havetoft is dedicated to the admission, attendance and the support of independance of children and teenagers who need help in education. We have daily groups, living groups, farming and therapy groups. We support children and teenagers coming from diffcult family backgrounds and with sometimes delinquental behaviour, some of them had been homeless or have a refugee background. In the Elisabethheim we want to give them a "home". Deutsch: Das Elisabethheim Havetoft widmet sich der Aufnahme, Begleitung, Förderung und Verselbständigung von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die Hilfen zur Erziehung brauchen. Es unterhält dabei eine Tagesgruppe für Kinder ab dem Schulalter, Wohngruppen, eine Landwirtschaft sowie verschiedene Therapiegruppen. Die Jugendlichen kommen aus zerrütteten Elternhäusern, sind von den Adoptiveltern davon gelaufen, haben bereits Zeit im Jugendgefängnis oder einige Zeit auf der Straße zugebracht. Sie sollen im Elisabethheim ein "Zuhause" finden.

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

Accommodation in a volunteer´s flat at Elisabethheim. Volunteers get a single room, the kitchen and the bathroom are shared. Pocket money 150,- per month plus food money. The area is very rural and therefore the public transport is rare. Therefore it is possible to use the organisational cars also for private purpose. Private Unterkunft direkt beim Elisabethheim. Taschengeld 180,- pro Monat plus Verpflegungsgeld. Das Elisabethheim ist sehr ländlich gelegen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel verkehren nur selten, es ist jedoch möglich, die Einrichtungsfahrzeuge auch zu privaten Zwecken zu nutzen.

Formazione durante l'attività

The volunteers will receive at least one German language course and additionally the online language course via the OLS system. The volunteers get the possibility to take part in the meetings of the team and will also have meetings only with the tutor on a regular basis. They will take part in two obligatory trainings, organized by the German National Agency, and additionally in one workshop, organized by the coordinating organization VIA e.V.

Profilo del partecipante

English: The motivation of the volunteer to do a voluntary service is the most important criteria in selecting the volunteers. Other criteria might be: • an international driving licence as well as driving experience • German language skills would be appreciated • desirable: initial experience in the field of education Deutsch: Die Motivation für den Freiwilligendienst ist höchste Priorität. Ansonsten gelten folgende Kriterien: • Führerschein • deutsche Sprachkenntnisse erwünscht • wünschenswert: erste pädagogische Erfahrungen z.B. als Jugendgruppenleiter*in

Data dell'attività

Un totale di 52 settimana/e nel periodo compreso tra 01/04/2024 e 31/05/2025

Luogo dell'attività

Havetoft Germany

 Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Belgio, Bulgaria, Bielorussia, Cipro, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Danimarca, Estonia, Grecia, Spagna, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Croazia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Islanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Lettonia, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, Macedonia del Nord, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Svezia, Slovenia, Slovacchia, Ucraina

Argomenti dell'attività

Problemi sociali

Accoglienza e integrazione di rifugiati e migranti

Istruzione e formazione

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 01/03/2024