Supporting GOB's Environmental Education

Supporting GOB's Environmental Education


Maó, Menorca, Spain

Die Bewerbungsfrist ist verstrichen.

Beschreibung der Tätigkeit

This is a wide-encompassing position, a good introduction to working in the environmental third sector. The role involves supporting Environmental Education activities, managing the network of local volunteers and supporting the Marine Environment working area. You will also occasionally carry out tasks with the Wildlife Rescue Center and with the nursery garden. During the school term (Oct - June), you will assist Environmental Education courses in schools with activities, excursions, courses, labs etc. During spring and summer, you will support volunteer training workshops focusing on caring for young birds and wild fowl, summer activities for families at the Wildlife Rescue Center and, overall, collaborating with summer camps. The volunteer will collaborate with marine environment tasks such as dynamising a beach stewardship program, assisting a monthly sand sampling citizen science activities and help manage the network of local volunteers of GOB Menorca with the comms volunteer.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

You will be provided with shared accommodation with another CES volunteer near the GOB office. You will be provided with a bicycle and can apply for a bus pass if you wish. You will receive a monthly living allowance to cover your living and food expenses.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

Volunteers will receive a training session on arrival covering introduction to the organization and the tasks to be carried out and will be accompanied throughout their voluntary experience. Additionally, GOB runs several workshops and training opportunities on environmental matters which are open to attend. The opportunity includes a language course (included within the CES programme) at the Official School for Adults. Depending on the volunteer’s Spanish language level, there is also the possibility of learning Catalan.


A scientific educational background and interest in nature, the sea and the outdoor will be valued. The volunteer should enjoy working in nature and be physically capable of doing easy to moderate outdoor work. The role also requires an interest and care towards animals and the desire to gain experience healing injured animals. A medium level of Spanish is required to be able to communicate with the supervisors and the organization staff. A valid driving license is necessary for many of the organization’s activities. Overall we value a positive, proactive attitude and motivation to learn.


Insgesamt 52 Woche(n) im Zeitraum 15/06/2024 bis 14/06/2025


c/ Camí des Castell, 53, 07702 Maó, Menorca Spain

 Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Albanien, Armenien, Österreich, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Belgien, Belarus, Zypern, die Tschechische Republik, Deutschland, Dänemark, Estland, Spanien, Griechenland, Finnland, Italien, Irland, Ungarn, Luxemburg, Polen, Slowenien, Lettland, die Niederlande, Schweden, Malta, Palästina, Kosovo * UN resolution, die Slowakei, Ukraine

Themen der Aktivität

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung


Bewerbungsfrist: 15/05/2024