EVS volunteer Coloured Glasses workshop Organisor - February Deadline

EVS volunteer Coloured Glasses workshop Organisor - February Deadline

YFU Flanders

Mechelen, Belgium

The application deadline has passed.

Activity description

• Main task: coordinating, planning and implementing Coloured Glasses workshops. • Coloured Glasses is a type of workshop with youngsters (+14) and/or adults whereby they experience through activities topics as human rights, prejudices, cultural differences, etc. There is always a lot of time dedicated to the evaluation of the "game" and the impact of it on the participant. • Coloured Glasses workshops are a new project for our organisation. It's meant to grow and to organize about 100 sessions a year in schools or other social organisations. The workshops are offered for free. This involves : => planning => communicating about bookings and follow up with different partners => planning travel routes => preparing materials Optional tasks will be chosen depending on your skills, interests and ideas. We look forward to your input.

Konaklama, yemek ve yol ayarlamaları

Under the EVS rules, your travel will be covered for a specific amount , depending on the travel distance band. YFU Flanders takes care of your tickets for travel inside Belgium to the office, to the day care centers and the other events. A buss pass, valid over Flanders will be provided. (in case it's useful) You will stay in a student room in Mechelen (or in a volunteer hostfamily) Pocket money : we will provide you with pocket money as per the EVS specifications Food allowance is also provided

Training during the activity

=> You will have the opportunity to execute the workshops yourself. => Apart from the Online Language Tool we will sponsor your enrollment in a course "Dutch for foreigners' after arrival. => You will be trained on the job by several members of our office staff => You are also very welcome to participate in several workshop weekends organised for all volunteers during the year. Subjects can be : counselor's and interview training, dealing with cultural differences,.. these are in Dutch.

Participant profile

=>(very) enthusiastic and outgoing =>good organizing & communication skills =>willingness to learn Dutch fast. Communication will be initially in English, but you will need to master the Dutch language in a very short time. If you speak Dutch already then we are really very interested in hearing from you. It would be considered an asset should you already have a good knowledge of YFU or international student organizations, but this is not a requirement. =>willingness to travel independently in Flanders =>your presence & activity during July & August 2018 are an absolute requirement

Activity dates

01/05/2018 ila 30/04/2019 arasını kapsayan sürede toplam 51 hafta

Activity location

Frans Halsvest 91/92, 2800 Mechelen Belgium

Looking for participants from

Avusturya, İsviçre, Almanya, Danimarka, İsveç, Hollanda, Norveç, Lüksemburg

Activity topics

Yaratıcılık ve kültür

Deadline for applications

Son başvuru tarihi: 04/02/2018