VIA MAMELI 1, 47921, RIMINI, Italy - +390541909630

descrizione dell'organizzazione

The ‘Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII’ Association (APG23) is a non-profit organisation with the objectives of:
- promoting the social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised people (abandoned children, children and adults with physical and mental disabilities, ex-offenders, former drug addicts, victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation, migrants);
- preventing the causes of social exclusion and poverty.
Over the years, the Association has worked with national and international organisations such as UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, DCI, Irish Aid, the European Union and the Italian Ministries of Internal, Foreign and Social Affairs. Today the Association is present in more than 25 countries worldwide and on every continent, even if much of our work is still done in Italy. In addition to Italy, it is present in Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, France, Georgia, Kenya, India, Israel / Palestine, Portugal, the Netherlands, the Republic of San Marino, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ukraine, the USA, Venezuela and Zambia.
APG23 has had a seat at the United Nations since 2006 with special consultative status at ECOSOC (the United Nations Economic and Social Committee)
Belong the Association young people, men and women, married couples, consecrated lay people and priests
have chosen to share their life with the poorest.
To leave no one suffering alone the Association choose to direct sharing the life, 24 hours on 24, with people in need.
Every year the APG23 involves young people in training and educational projects both in Italy and abroad, where they experience a range of educational and cultural activities and participate in voluntary work.
In parallel to the above activities, the Association Community Pope John XXIII involved in the field of peace and nonviolence through a National Central Office of Coordination: Ufficio Obiezione e Pace (Conscientious Objection and Peace Office). It was established in the seventies, in support of the fights for the recognition of the Conscientious Objection to the military service as means of social and civic denunciation, and not only as a mere individual right. The experience gained in the promotion of peace and nonviolence, organized volunteering and processes of inclusion led, nowadays, the Office to expand its activities in the areas of European projects, educational projects for peace and nonviolence, especially in schools, lifestyles and fair-trade, information as a tool for peace and fight against oppression. Since 2011, in response to the massive arrival in Italy of asylum seekers and in line with the need of welcoming in all over the Italian territory, we host and accompany migrants, adults and minor. We guarantee them the possibility to attend Italian language for adults or be involved in a school (for minors) and thanks to some socially useful jobs we offered them the chance to integrate themselves in the Italian local community.

Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza

Lead organisation

PIC: 944659042 OID: E10196481
Ultimo aggiornamento 18/04/24