Stichting UcDean

Stichting UcDean


Rijklof van Goensstraat 48, 2593EJ, Den Haag, Netherlands - +31702620000

descrizione dell'organizzazione

Stichting UcDean is a foundation that aims at improving knowledge and understanding of the new and future EU member-states in Central and Eastern Europe. The foundation focuses at young people, students and young professionals from The Netherlands, aged 16 - 35. Stichting UcDean has been a sending and coordinating organization for Erasmus+ EVS projects since 2012, and is a supporting organization for European Solidarity Corps projects. We also facilitate international trainings and youth exchanges. Stichting UcDean moreover organizes study trips to countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Caucasus.

temi di inclusione

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Geographical obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Economic obstacles

Volunteering project

Nome del progetto Project Dates Termine Stato
Youth Power Space - 6 months EVS in Romania
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
ott 2017 to mar 2018
01/10/2017 - 31/03/2018
30/08/2017 closed

Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza

Lead organisation

PIC: 939328116 OID: E10081716
Ultimo aggiornamento 20/05/24