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Accredited organisation



Place raphaël Elizé , 72305, Sablé-sur-sarthe, França - +33243625044

Descrição da organização

The City of Sablé-sur-Sarthe exercises local policies related to Citizenship, Education and Leisure (organization of cultural events, sports, educational, artistic, entertainment). It wants to open its actions to a European and intercultural dimension. the town is multicultural, with a large part of poor people or poor working people based on a dynamical industrial economy. Its action is targeted primarily at neighborhoods in difficulty (two districts with 2 500 unhabitants), young people and the elderly .

Temas relacionados com a inclusão

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
Apoio 31/12/2027
PIC: 949313393 OID: E10085400

Temas da organização

Cidadania e participação democrática

European identity and values
