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Accredited organisation

A.D.E.L. - Association for Development, Education and Labour


Kalinciakova street 1046/16, 091 01, Stropkov, Eslováquia - +421902582788

Descrição da organização

We are an organization that creates opportunities for students, graduates and all young people who want to be active, try and learn something new, gain experience and knowledge to their personal and professional development.
We believe that young people must become a driving force in building the society in which they live and therefore we want to create opportunities to help shape a generation that is determined to change our country for the better.

Our main goals that we are trying to promote with a variety of projects and activities are:

- to increase the employment of young people and assist in their personal and professional development;
- to organize and mediate youth exchanges, trainings, workcamps, study visits, internships and volunteering programs abroad;
- to encourage active citizenship, participation, voluntary and civic initiatives and highlighting their importance in society;
- to stimulate the creation of new and innovative ideas as the basis for entrepreneurial initiatives of young people and motivate and support them towards their own business;
- to assist citizens in Slovakia and in developing countries in unfavorable living situation caused by poverty, natural disasters and conflicts;
- to encourage the responsible relationship to nature and animals, promote a healthy lifestyle and protect the environment;
- to promote constructive debate about the EU and to raise legal awareness of citizens, protect human rights and to supervise the transparency in the allocation of public resources;
- to promote the elimination of gender stereotypes and promote equality of opportunity for all ...
and thus build and develop civil society based on the principles of democracy, freedom, pluralistic and rule of law, justice, responsibility and solidarity.

Our motto is: Youth is not just a temporary state on the way to adulthood, but the space for our own journey, opinions and solutions - and we want to fill in this lack of space!

  • Esta organização está acreditada para realizar projetos no âmbito das atividades de voluntariado do programa Erasmus+ e do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.
  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.
PIC: 948243483 OID: E10015938