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Accredited organisation



ORZECHOWA 9, 43-225, WOLA, Polonia - +48600993809

Descrizione dell'organizzazione

Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego (FRSP) was founded in August 2014 in Wola town,Silesia region, in Poland, by a group of experts, carrying out activities related to the labor market. Since that time we promote the development of entrepreneurship,increase employment,improve the level of knowledge about entrepreneurship and the labor market,as well as enhancing the capacity of the NGO sector.We advise people who want to start a business where they are able to look for funding opportunities and how to write a proper application, we help those people without work experience to get an internship or volunteering, including foreign volunteer service; prepare for job interviews; write and improve the cv; inform entrepreneurs about the opportunities they have to strengthen their activities, for example: thanks to EU subsidies or support from The District Labour Office. We support among others: non-governmental organizations through trainings in raising funds for the operations and legal advices in the field of the establishment of the organization, as well as the problems encountered during this process.
Volunteering is very important field of our mission. We do help young people to get first individual experiences and help others by that. Thanks to it we combine two fields of activities: work and social activation. In most cases there is also local development included which give us the opportunity to implement three of our mail goals as one. What’s more we do create possibilities for polish youngster in frame of volunteering but also in frame of youth exchanges. FRSP also provides such an opportunity for youngsters from other countries by hosting volunteers and do coordinate institutions which are also hosting organization for foreign volunteers.
Local development and sustainable development is third field of our mission. FRSP is located in a village so we are very motivated to increase quality of life for local people but in balance with local nature. New technologies and opportunities for humans should be taken and used but in the same time we should preserve out natural resources and habitat. Wola is a place where hard industry related to coal mining encounters ancient forest which for centuries were habitat for bisons. This natural balance should be protected for future generations.
Target groups to whom we direct our actions are:
- Unemployed and economically inactive (high priority);
- young people (NEETs);
- People with no work experience;
- Persons at risk of losing their jobs;
- Working people, who want to start a business, but the financial situation does not allow them to benefit from commercial advices;
- Graduates entering the labor market;
- Persons conducting self-employment and micro-entrepreneurs;
- NGOs;
- public administration offices (cultural centers, social services);
Our actions:
- Volunteering promotion;
- NGO incubation;
- Counseling for the unemployed, promoting employment and labor market development;
- Local, especially rural areas, development;
- Increasing services quality level provided by local public administration;
- Strategic documents preparation for ngo or local public administration;
- Obtaining grants for:
• start a business;
• business development;
• new jobs creation;
• internships;
• reimbursement of part of the employee's wages;
• environmental investments;
Our mission is to support the development of entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, new working places creation and action to full employment. We believe that all the above-mentioned activities of FRSP fits into the EU Youth Strategy.Our activities, mission and objectives at the Foundation creating inclusive societies,providing space and participation for all and quality employment for all young people.We act for the benefit of to eliminate obstacles to volunteering in Europe by raising awareness, increasing capacity to offer volunteering opportunities, reducing barriers to participation, especially for disadvantaged groups and participants with fewer opportunities, and increasing recognition of skills gained.

  • Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza
Hosting 31/12/2027
Sostegno 31/12/2027

Organizzazione capofila

PIC: 934141623 OID: E10152823

Settore di attività

Apprendimento imprenditoriale - educazione all'imprenditorialità

Community development
