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Accredited organisation

Eurasia net

Eurasia net

67 LA CANEBIERE , 13001, MARSEILLE, França - +33649953791

Descrição da organização

Eurasia net is a French non-governmental organization based in Marseille, in the south of France. It was founded in 2013. Its main objectives are:
To promote European and international cooperation in the educational, intercultural, or environmental fields through youth exchanges in Europe and Asia; To strengthen youth and social innovation, promote social entrepreneurship and sustainable development actions and consciousness;
To have a positive impact on the local and regional community in France and abroad.

Firstly, Eurasia net targets mainly young people from 18 to 30 years old and gives them the opportunity to participate in enriching exchanges in Europe and in Asia thanks to the French civic service (“Service Civique” in French) and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). We believe that volunteering missions are enriching not only from an intercultural point of view but also for the acquisition of important skills for the development of youngsters' personal and professional future. International volunteering can be a booster for young people's personality and also employability.

Eurasia net has 8 years of experience as a sending, hosting, and coordinating organization.
French civic Service: Eurasia net has several partners in 10 different countries in Asia and gives young people the opportunity to go on international volunteer missions between 6 and 12 months;
The European Solidarity Corps: Eurasia net has set up through the ESC, four international volunteering projects. We have already cooperated with 21 partners from 13 different countries. Since 2018, Eurasia net has given the opportunity to more than 30 young people to go on a volunteering mission in Europe.

Secondly, Eurasia networks to develop young people skills and to accompany them in the construction of their future projects by providing them training in the field of interculturality, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. Our approach is based on non-formal education methods which allow young people to develop important transversal skills. We have helped and mentored over 200 volunteers over five years.
To strengthen and develop our work in the field of youth and non-formal education, we participate in European Erasmus+ programs (coordination of KA1, KA2, and coordination of a KA3). We are also developing European training to strengthen the skills of education and youth actors in the field of social entrepreneurship in order to enrich our network at the local, regional, European, and international levels.

Finally, thanks to its strong local network, Eurasia net also proposes to young people to engage themselves in local volunteering activities that are beneficial and meaningful for the youngsters and for the local community. We built a partnership with local and sustainable development-related NGOs like Fondation Nicolas Hulot (FNH), 1 déchet par jour, and Migration & développement to support initiatives led by young people in favor of the ecological and solidarity transition in France and abroad.

By involving youngsters in our different activities, our ultimate goal is to create a generation of committed and responsible young people who are mobile and open to the world and innovation in the field of interculturality, sustainable development, and social entrepreneurship.

As stated before, we focus on people aged between 18 and 30 years old without regard to their social, educational or origin. We also provide specific support to youngsters living in the department of Marseille who have fewer opportunities (NEET) to give them the chance to volunteer abroad and engage themselves in meaningful projects.

To give you an overview of our international and local activities, here is a list of our main projects:
"Eurasia Twin" is a project that allows young people to combine a local commitment of 2 months in Marseille with an international volunteering experience of 6 to 10 months (;
“Eyes on EU” is a project financed by the Erasmus+ led by some Eurasia net volunteers with the cooperation of 4 European NGOs. Its objective is to create a web-serie with the aim of giving young people a space to talk about Europe (;
“Keep your eyes open” is a project financed by the Erasmus+ whose aims is to transfer good practices of social entrepreneurship to accompany young people projects in the field of social entrepreneurship (;
RE’GEN, is a franco-german exchange program led by Eurasia net volunteers whose aim is to spread awareness about environmental issues that involves german and Marseille NGOs that work in the field of sustainable development;
“Génération climat”, a program of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation whose objective is to finance projects carried out by young people (

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2026
Apoio 31/12/2026
PIC: 944714817 OID: E10200167

Temas da organização

Green skills


Youth entrepreneurship