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Accredited organisation

Klubicko Kromeriz, z. s.

Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s.

Albertova 4062/8, 76701, Kroměříž, República Checa - +420737206708

Descrição da organização

Civic associations Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s. is a non-profit non-governmental organization, was founded in 2002. We are a
Family Center.
Klubíčko has, more than 19 years of experience in project management and obtaining grants from cities, counties, ministries and European Union.
Klubíčko Kroměříž, z. s. is a member of the Network of Maters´ Centres. The Mothers' Centers Network strengthens the civic life of the community, family values and intergenerational relations, the role of parents, maternal and paternal role in society. It supports the legal protection of the family, motherhood and equal opportunities for all. We do this whilst striving for a healthy life in a healthy environment.

Our mission is:
• Strengthening family values and intergenerational relations, the role of parents in society
• Support for legal protection in the family, parenthood and equal opportunities for men and women
• Through community work helping vulnerable populations to improve their lives
• Promote social inclusion, tolerance and value of differencies and diversity
• Support sustainable developement and environmental protection
• Coordinating, promoting, expanding the mission and activities of the association.

Our main objectives and activities are:
• Provision of social and family oriented services, especially for families caring for preschool children in order to prevent social exclusion caused by prolonged social isolation,
• Provision of services oriented to families facing cultural differences
• Support for active leisure and support responsible behaviour towards environmental protection with parents and children
• Provision of additional services to prevent social exclusion of parents caring for children, in particular child care services,
• Provision of a public community space and a playroom for joint meetings between parents and children, and the general public,
• Organization of programs and courses for children – infant to school age,
• Organization of weekend and multi-day events for families with children,
• Removing barriers to women's labour market participation, especially by providing care services for children and
organizing training courses for parents,
• Creating conditions for the reconciliation of family and work life,
• Improving the social status of mothers and fathers on maternity and parental leave.

Our target groups are:
• Families, parents, children (from infants to teenagers), local community

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
Apoio 31/12/2027

Organização coordenadora

PIC: 946747937 OID: E10127680

Temas da organização

Community development


Key competences development