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Accredited organisation



Ronda de Segovia 34, 28005, MADRID, Шпанија - +34912224050

Опис на организацијата

The Altius Foundation aims to promote social action and any volunteer practice among young people. The Altius Foundation was created on April 9, 2002, with the aim of promoting social action in favor of the most vulnerable groups in society, the fight against social exclusion, strengthening the Third Sector of social action, empowerment and consolidation of volunteering among young people.
ALTIUS has projects of maximum visibility developed thanks to the support of more than 400 young volunteers.
In Madrid, we help families who, due to their social, family, economic or personal circumstances are going through a particularly difficult situation:
• People without support from family networks.
• Mothers who assume all family responsibilities.
• Long-term unemployed.
• Families affected by eviction proceedings.
• Families with a member with a physical or intellectual disability.
To determine the families that require this type of help, it is necessary that the Social Services with which we work in a network, evaluate each case and make the timely referral, thus guaranteeing priority attention to the most needy families.
It is intended to facilitate the job search through two axes:
- Accompaniment in the search, orientation and training process.
- Delivery of menus / food baskets to meet part of their basic needs during the job search.
Other programs are also developed where volunteers support: reception area, training programs, counseling programs for people at risk of exclusion, support for people without resources, language classes, office automation and social skills for employment.
We have the EFQM +400, ISO 9001 certificates and we are audited. Likewise, we have a Whistleblower Channel to prevent and detect any irregular, illicit or criminal conduct and to be able to react diligently.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Датум на истекување
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 940843935 OID: E10173918

Теми на организацијата

Community development


Прифаќање и интеграција на избеглици и мигранти