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Accredited organisation

Viešoji įstaiga "Socialinis veiksmas"

Socialinis veiksmas

Šeškinės g. 65, LT-01104, VILNIUS, Λιθουανία - +37067025576

Περιγραφή της οργάνωσης

"Social Action" is an organization that has been working for 15 years to establish high-quality volunteering in Lithuania and abroad. It operates locally and internationally, representing volunteering at the institutional, social and political levels. The vision of the organization is a civic, cohesive society in which values ​​are created and acquired through the cooperation and unique experience of its members. Mission of the organization is to develop volunteering as an educational opportunity to volunteers, to help organizations to grow in volunteering, to represent the concept of volunteering at various levels. We believe in volunteering as a unique space for learning that benefits the volunteer and the community. Over the years, "Social Action" has developed a model of quality work with volunteers: we inform and consult volunteers; we assess the needs of the volunteer; we select a host organization that meets the needs of the volunteer; we prepare volunteers for specific volunteering; we run motivational sessions for volunteers; we mentor volunteers; we lead deep reflections. The target groups of the organization are various organizations that involve volunteers in their activities, international volunteers, local volunteers and all people interested in volunteering. We strive to continually expand our target group by motivating people of all ages to participate in the different activities offered.
1) United for Solidarity - we are currently coordinating international volunteers who volunteer in social, cultural, animal welfare and environmental organizations in Vilnius and Vievis. This is strategic project involving 12 -14 host organizations and 34 international volunteers in 3 years.
2) United for youth strategic partnership project. It is designed to analyze the situation of corporate volunteering (corporate volunteering), good practices and challenges in Lithuania, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Spain, on the basis of which a methodological publication on the potential of corporate volunteering was created and an international conference was implemented in Lithuania.
3) The JUDAM project (a project funded by the European Structural Funds), which aims to reduce the number of 14-29 year olds who are not in employment, education or training. The number of young people of all ages, implementing measures for the promotion of early intervention and activity, taking into account the target group to which the person belongs and assessing the person's needs and opportunities.
4) “Youth Voluntary Service” , the aim of which is to educate 14-29 year old youth through volunteering experiences nationally.
5)"Journaling"- currently we are planning to implement training course for tutors from 6 countries in order to strengthen their abilities to support volunteers' reflection.
6) "Platform of citizens"- project that is dedicated to create digital tool for volunteers management nationally. Online platform will involve annual calendar with volunteering activities with concrete timing. The project activities will start in the end of September 2020.

We conduct classes on self-knowledge, time and financial planning, intercultural dialogue, creativity. We work individually with people of different professions and different ages. We help to achieve the set goals through volunteering, reflecting on the experiences, naming the learning and applying them in daily and work activities. We work with Lithuanian and international groups and teams on various topics: goal pursuit, conflict management, cognition of personal characteristics, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, intercultural learning, etc. We advise business and non-profit organizations, provide training on various topics: human resource management, creating the structure of work with volunteers, their motivation, retention, crisis management, etc. We contribute to the quality dissemination of volunteering in Lithuania and other countries by organizing and participating in conferences, various working groups and meetings; developing methodological material, implementing researches and sharing experience and knowledge with colleagues and authorities.

  • Ο οργανισμός αυτό διαθέτει σήμα ποιότητας του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης. Το σήμα ποιότητας πιστοποιεί ότι ο οργανισμός είναι σε θέση να εκτελεί έργα σύμφωνα με τις αρχές και τους στόχους του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης.

Πεδίο Εθελοντισμό

Ρόλος Ημερομηνία λήξης
Στήριξη 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 947652171 OID: E10188061