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Accredited organisation



STRADA DOINA 13-17 BL 1 SC B ET 1 AP 17 SECTOR 5, 052151, BUCURESTI, an Rómáin - +40744686093

Cur síos ar an eagraíocht

The Cultural Association for Theatre and Origami in Romania, A.C.T.O.R. has the mission to empower its beneficiaries (children, young people, adults) using art tools to discover new ways of self-expression, which can strengthen their self-confidence, help them find their right place in community and develop in harmony with themselves and with the society. We develop human potential through the involvement, participation and volunteering of children, young people, adults Vision: A society based on a direct, clear and efficient communication is surely the society we all dream of. Exiting his personal vision through involvement, the individual assumes the social responsibility for his position.
Depending on its programs, A.C.T.O.R. has the following target groups:
- Ill children and youth from pediatric hospitals and social centers in Bucharest ( ~1650/year)
- Children and youth of Bucharest and disadvantaged rural areas. (~850 from 40 schools and kindergarten/year)
- Youth and adults interested to be volunteers at the local and European level (~120/year)
- Adults interested to learn how to use different art tools for their personal and professional lives(~250/year)
- Different institutions and organizations that need of assistance for developing non formal education methods.(~40/year)

A.C.T.O.R. ‘s Programs
1. Educational artistic and intercultural programs
2. Clinic animation
3. International youth exchanges
o international youth exchanges for youth
o EVS- sending, hosting coordinating
o Supporting mobilities for teachers and specialists in education
4. Cultural, artistic, social events
5. National and International training courses for teachers and specialists in adult education
6. Strategic partnerships for learning at local, national and international levels.

A.C.T.O.R.’s youth projects’ history
Since 2003, we hosted more than 300 volunteers from all around the world, we coordinated more than 33 different projects cooperating with the National and Executive Agencies and we have sent over 210 volunteers in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.
In 2010, A.C.T.O.R. coordinated one National Project about the quality standards in sending EVS for Romanian organizations.
We are mainly sending organization for between 10-15 youth exchanges annually (~150 participants from Bucharest and rural communities).
-YOUTH WORKERS training and mobilities
In cooperation with a large National consortium we use to offer learning mobilities for 40 Youth workers and teachers every year in Europe, Asia and Africa.

-A.C.T.O.R.’s VET and adult education history (2009-2014)
2 Partnerships for Learning
9 Grundtvig Worshops hosted in Romania
One hosting Erasmus student in 2014
One hosting VET Project in 2015
One Leonardo TOY project in 2014 about Comprehension methodology in learning 5 Latin languages.

As coordinator- Yia4SDG- 8 European- Asian countries
As participant
- Education Against Racism - 4 countries and Global Place- 17 countries from 4 continents coordinate by Cazalla Intercultural Spain
- EVigoS MEETING POINT-15 countries coordinated by Centro Xuvenil Abertal Spain
- ARTS EMPOWERING YOUTH work 5 countries coordinated by SDPL:n Helsingin ja Uudenmaan piirijärjestö ry Finland
- Strengthen the bond of inclusion 3 countries coordinated by Rota Jovem Portugal

LEMON- LEarning MObility Network coordinated by Pistes Solidaire France (2015-2018) and (2018-2021)
We have experience in working in different European networks with topics connected with youth and art for social changes. For example: Since 2007- actual ACTOR is member in Drums for Peace Network using art for youth inclusion and non formal education.

In the hosting volunteers’ long term strategies in A.C.T.O.R. was developed a high level professional team in the field of intercultural youth work. We learned by doing, we struggle to increase the quality of the international volunteering experiences for between 40- 60 young people every year. The local and national interests for partnerships with ACTOR, built because of our international volunteers management, increase every year helping our organization structure to reach a public recognition and more and more support. All our local partners interacting with European and International volunteering values, started to be interested in European learning opportunities for their own educational strategies. The cultural diversity that came always with the international volunteers the local collaborators (volunteers, teachers, medical staff, social workers.. etc) reach an out of the box new perspective that helped them to have a different attitude regarding the intercultural cooperation. This change broth a recognition certificate by specialized institutions in the continuous training for professional educators.
ACTOR is a leader in the training for intercultural education for teacher in Romania.

  • Tá lipéad cáilíochta an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh ag an eagraíocht seo. Is deimhniú é an lipéad cáilíochta go bhfuil an eagraíocht in ann tionscadail a reáchtáil i gcomhréir le prionsabail agus cuspóirí an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh.

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Ról Dáta éaga
Hosting 31/12/2027
Ag tabhairt tacaíochta 31/12/2027

Eagraíocht cheannais

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