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Accredited organisation



STR TUDOR VLADIMIRESCU NR 20, 125300, RAMNICU SARAT BUZAU, Romania - +40238563169

Descrizione dell'organizzazione

ATCE – SR is a non – governmental organization, which was founded in 2007 in need of young people in our community.
The purpose of the association is to promote and develop youth activities with and for young people, in order to sustain their personal and professional development, and gaining skills in fields such as culture, education, volunteering, civic spirit, social, entrepreneurship and sport.
Over the years, ATCE – SR has developed smoothly, having 94 permanent members and over 1500 volunteers, with a solid material base (conference room, IT and audio- video equipment, website and multiple network channels) having constant essential financial resources for an efficient implementation of projects and activities, and qualified staff (youth workers, lectors, facilitators and trainers).
Starting with 2009, ATCE Speranta Ramniceana has constantly implemented international youth projects, founded by the European Commission, through Youth in Action programme, having 8 coordinated projects and over 30 other projects where we participated as promoters and on Erasmus+ programme we also implemented 6 coordinating projects and almost 40 as partners. Among these projects four with EVS mobilities. In the same time, ATCE Speranta Ramniceana has implemented projects with local and regional founding and youth initiatives, the most important ones: the monthly magazine “Micul Jurnalist” and the annual cultural brand “Festivalul Dramaturgiei Buzoiene”.
Bellow there is the list of the projects coordinating by us:
Youth in Action projects implementation by ATCE Speranta Ramniceana:
1. Ecological Education through theatre - 2009
2. The little journalist – 2010
3. Cultural heritage - International Passport - 2010
4. Beyond humour into discrimination - 2010
5. Latinity in Europe - 2011
6. Youth Build Legendary Europe - 2012
7. Solidarity and Understanding between Neighbours - 2013
8. Vice Versa - youth mobility in the EU – 2013
The list of Erasmus Plus projects:
1. Learn to get Involved, Volunteer in Europe (LIVE) – 2014
2. Be On Time - project about Time Understanding and efficiency in youth work – 2015
3. Involvement to Quality - 2015-2017
4. We have rights, now let's be human! - 2016 – 2018
5. TOUCH – Tradition of Unity, Cultural Heritage - 2017 – 2018
6. From Involved as Volunteer in Europe at Youth Workers- 2018 – 2019
The list of Hosting EVS projects:
1. The bus of Culture
2. Bridges of Volunteerism
3. Ambassador of Culture
4. Empowering youth with EVS
5. Empowering youth with EVS-2
6. Volunteerism as a lifestyle
7. Leading Light
8. I am an active citizen
9. Adventure of a life time
10. Youth Participation with Volunteerism

ATCE Speranţa Râmniceană has annually developed, with competent human resources, in a continuous development, a series of projects for and with young people, in all the fields that the organizations had come to an existence for. The most important were developed within the Youth in Action and Erasmus + programme, financed by the European Union, but also we had some local, regional and national projects, initiatives and actions for promoting the youth and the volunteering activity.

Temi di inclusione

Questa organizzazione è disposta a coinvolgere volontari che si trovano in situazioni che rendono la loro partecipazione alle attività più difficile, delle seguenti categorie e per diversi tipi di progetto:

  • Differenze culturali
  • Ostacoli geografici
  • Ostacoli sociali
  • Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza
Hosting 31/12/2027
Sostegno 31/12/2027
PIC: 948086052 OID: E10005216

Settore di attività


Istruzione e formazione
