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Accredited organisation

Jonathan Cooperativa Sociale

Jonathan Cooperativa Sociale

Via Cavalieri Vittorio Veneto n.29/A, 35016, Piazzola sul Brenta, Italy - +393489342361

Lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

Jonathan is a non-profit organization born in 2009 in Piazzola sul Brenta, province of Padua (Italy).
Our goal is to promote the society well-being through people's self-empowerment and self-development with an important role of active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. The African proverb ‘It takes a whole village to raise a child’ perfectly represents the mission we believe in. In our vision any individual and any group can contribute to the community development and growth, in a sustainable and human rights oriented way.

Thanks to the variety and interdependency of our human and professional resources, our activities range touches different areas: education, training, social inclusion, cultural promotion, environmental protection, human rights, Italian language courses to immigrant and foreign people, gender studies and equal opportunities.

Jonathan has built over time a reliable and solid social network, so we work alongside families, schools, universities, local health authorities, social services, associations and local governments, providing our expertise and passion, promoting children and community welfare, trying to get closer to the territory and its actors, and to better meet community’s needs and interests and face the challenge of developing and cooperate with local authotirities and entities to promote different area policies (youth, family, inclusion, etc.).

Among the other, our activities are:
- pre and post school activities;
- summer camps;
- organization and promotion of art and cultural events;
- organization of public free seminars and movie seminars;
- public entertainment and workshops;
- woman and family help-desk;
- training for staff, family, teachers, sport trainers, youth workers;
- youth and youth worker mobility under E+ program (YE;TC; SVE/KA1 and KA2);
- educational paths in school about environment, intercultural dialogue, bullying, human rights, media literacy and more;
- sights seeing;
and more .

Our direct beneficiaries are mainly children and young people (especially with fewer opportunities), to whom we address most of our projects but also other group in these last years are increasely target by our project and in particular women and youth workers in general.
It is important to stress that depending on the kind of project, the benefits affect also other stakeholder and indirect beneficiaries. For example project addressed to young people affect their own families, the different partners that contribute for the realization of that specific project, or the single stakeholder involved in a single specific activity. In other words, the impact as in every project can be wider and more effective depending on different aspect and the impact strategy planned.

Viðfangsefni tengd samfélagslegri þátttöku

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðaliði

Role Gildir til
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 931500410 OID: E10032578

Viðfangsefni stofnunarinnar/samtakanna


Human rights
