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Accredited organisation

Asociación Allende Mundi

C/Lope de Vega, 10 47010 Valladolid , 47010, Valladolid, Espanha


Descrição da organização

Allende Mundi as a non-profit cross-cultural association in Valladolid (Spain) aims at realising a new social model through
our projects. Educational, cultural, and social projects targeted at kids in Valladolid.
Our organisation’s objectives include:
a) Promoting interpersonal and social relationships.
b) Carrying out and promoting activities for cultural training, production, and dissemination through our artistic
c) Organising activities for values education as well as academic and educational support in addition to striving to
promote school attendance and to prevent kids from dropping school or underperforming.
d) Promoting and organising activities to safeguard and promote the diversity of cultures by improving cross-cultural
dialogue and understanding.
e) Carrying out activities fostering gender equality and to avoid any kind of discrimination.
f) Undertaking activities to promote a healthy diet and lifestyle in combination with actions to prevent drug abuse.
g) Creating and maintaining collaborative networks with organisations, companies, collectives, and institutions at the
local, regional, national, and international levels which pursuit similar goals to those of our organisation.
Our organisation designs and carries out multiple programmes to attain our objectives, for example:
- A holistic assistance program (called P.A.I. in spanish) for kids whereby we develop educational and academic support activities as well as
actions to improve social capabilities and socialisation.
- Schooling programmes for the holiday period: this is programme that straddle the line between education and free time
with educational activities during the kids’ free time with an eye into accommodating how families organise their family
and work time.
- “Desván de Melinka” (also called "Chiquiallende") and "Barbas de Sócrates": Melinka’s attic is the metaphor we use for our creativity-driven library. The final goal of this activity is encourage kids to read since the early ages. The same goal to "Barbas de Sócrates" with teenagers.
- “Diversofía” combines “diversión” (fun) and “filosofía” (philosophy) to come up with an entertaining offering that fosters
critical thinking by having kids participate in stories that revolt around philosophical concepts.
Allende Mundi is a non-profit association that joined the European Solidarity Corps in 2016 in joint cooperation with the
association “Casa de Juventud Aleste”. Seven European volunteers have joined Allende Mundi’s programmes with great
Allende Mundi is very well established and respected organisation in our local community. We work within a local network
created in the “Rondilla” district (and some surrounding districts in Valladolid) with the participation of multiple educational
and social centres as well as other non-profit organisations. In addition, we closely collaborate with volunteering
organisations and with the public administration at the local and regional level.
Allende Mundi is a non-profit volunteering organisation with most of our activities needing voluntary work for their effective
realisation. Therefore, we have developed a volunteering programme to effectively motivate, guide, and train the people
that volunteer with us. The aim is to steer their participation in the programme so that they see the immediate effect of
their activities in tangible quality learning results for the kids that attend our educational programmes while they receive
quality learning activities and experiences that they will use throughout the rest of their careers.

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 924094072 OID: E10039451

Temas da organização

Community development


Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide