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Accredited organisation

Vedogiovane Società Cooperativa Sociale impresa sociale


Via San Giovanni 49, 28021, Borgomanero, Италија - +390322836449

Опис на организацијата

Vedogiovane is a 30 years old non-profit organisation based in the North-West of Italy. Our mission concerns young people and the 'social and cultural' youth work. Our activities can be grouped up into two branches: 1- Youth policies – This branch not only runs youth information centres, it also develops new projects and reflections about the youth needs and the kind of answers given them by governmental and non-governmental institutions, schools and adults in general. The youth policies branch tries to identify new strategies to answer these needs and offers these strategies to the institutions. Vedogiovane manage centers for disadvantaged youngsters, activities and workshops before and after school time, leisure time activities. The area is mainly aimed at developing the local community, it offers a new vision of young people and their needs. Inclusion: In field of youth policies Vedogiovane also works to create chances for Inclusive Mobility, with special regard to the management of actions aimed at increasing the number of students and young people with disabilities taking part in Erasmus+. I3n the last Ka1 projects we included young people with asperger syndrome and provided additional support to help this participants to fully join the project. Vedogiovane devotes specific efforts in creating and ensuring adequate conditions to learn, work or volunteer abroad for people with fewer opportunities, by addressing their diverse support needs. Vedogiovane also promote lifelong learning, chances for its yout workers staff; in this frame we just joned on the 5th of December 2019, a seminar organized by the Italian National Agency, entitled NETWORKING ON INCLUSION and devoted to strengthening the inclusive nature of the European Solidarity Corps & Erasmus + programs in Italy. Moreover, starting from the last 4 years Vedogiovane also deals with the management of some immigrants hosting centers. The cooperative is also active to foster immigrants inclusion in the local community and in the labor market. Now the cooperative is going to start locally some projects aimed at involving Youth immigrants in active citizenship and peer education experiences. 2. Intercultural sector: the Intercultural sector implements international youth exchanges, EVS, seminars and training courses. The mission of the intercultural sector is to equip the youth of today to be leaders of tomorrow, by instilling in them a sense of civic responsibility, encouraging them to fullly engage in education and entrepreneurship, and exposing them to diverse cultures throughout Europe. In this frame we work to give motivation to young people to participate in EU projects. We manage a local Eurodesk centre supported by the Vco Province with the mission to raise awareness among young people on learning mobility opportunities and to encourage them to become active citizens. We cooperate with a wide number of public institutions, with special regard to the Vco Province and a committee of municipalities departments for youth policies. Additionally we manage some projects in high schools, working with students trough non formal education.Vedogiovane is also avtive member of the European Platform Network, an informal network for cooperation within the youth sector between regions, municipalities, countries in Europe, wich was initiated in Luxembourg in 1986. Since then the Platform Network has every year been facilitating youth activities to fulfil the aims of youth mobility and the exchange of experiences.
Vedogiovane Organization is also a member of Rep (shorthand for Rete Europa Piemonte, wich means Network Europe Piedmont). Rep is a local network of 13 active organisations wich are active in the field of international youth mobility. Rep main aim is the icrease of quality in both the projects ran by Rep and by its member organsations. Rep activity is economically supported by Piemonte regional Government, by the Italian National agency of the Erasmus+ programme and – of course – by it’s member organisations.
3. entrepreneurship education and youth employability. Vedogiovane manages the following actions:
- coaching programs to support youth start upper to design and start their biusiness;
- informative sessions at school for information and guidance about youth entrepreneurship;
- job services in the frame of youth guarantee and erasmus young entrepreneurs;
- non formal education programs for the empowerment of relevant skills for employability.
4. Environmental education

Теми за инклузија

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Датум на истекување
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 947872264 OID: E10202041

Теми на организацијата


Rural development and urban regeneration
