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Accredited organisation



Novás, 3, Vilaboa , 36141, Pontevedra, Espanha - +34 667 88 47 53

Descrição da organização

Ticket2Europe is an organization created by young people for young people. Founded in early 2016 in Pontevedra, a small city in North-west Spain, our mission is to open up new paths and development possibilities for young people by empowering and supporting them in their search for future opportunities. We are a team of passionate, inspired, and motivated people with the common dream of spreading the word about the magic of international experiences and help youngsters discover and exploit their full potential.
Part of our other activities is focused on people with fewer opportunities, such as unaccompanied minors or young people from families with limited resources. We firmly believe that by involving them in different programs and projects, they will improve their skills and increase their possibilities to enter the European labor market. Ticket2Europe works with different European programs focused on supporting young people and promoting their skills and competencies. Since the beginning, we have accumulated a wide experience in the association with other organizations within Europe and have been sent to more than 500 Spanish young people and residents in Spain, over 200 Erasmus+ and ESC projects throughout Europe, MENA, and the Caucasus countries.

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
Apoio 31/12/2027

Organização coordenadora

PIC: 921270305 OID: E10118811

Temas da organização

Quality and innovation of youth work

Youth entrepreneurship

Digital youth work