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Accredited organisation

Gesco Consorzio Cooperativa Sociale

Via Vicinale S. Maria del Pianto , 80143, Naples, Италија - +390817872037

Опис на организацијата

Gesco was established in 1991, is a consortium of social cooperatives companies based in Naples. Its main areas of interest are education and training, the social sector and the editoral publishing. The Gesco school of social work is operative in Region Campania and accredite and is intended to respond to the needs of a new and more qualified professional standards in the sector of personal healthcare and to respond to the changes in the labour market and the emergency of a new social request. Gesco the leader in its sector in Campania, is non-profit organization operating , whose aim to support innovative forms of vocational and general education, support motivation for lifelong and professional targets group. Hence the main activities comprise implementation of activactionl and unconventional methodologies, use of ICT in education, creation of Tools for distance and blended learning.
Gesco, in addition to being a training school corporation, is a consortium of social cooperatives that deals in particular with disabilities of various entity. Gesco ensure a welfare support to people with psyco/physical difficulties through the mentoring of specialized in disability.
Gesco boasts a long experience in the field of education and protection of minors, in particular it is responsible for the structuring and development of individualized programs for minors and families directly managing, since March 2015, the project with the Municipality of Naples of Educational Tutoring, aimed at minors between the ages of 3 and 18 with relationship problems, learning problems in the school environment and / or behaviors tending to deviance. Tutoring carries out paths to reintegrate the minor into the family, social fabric and support for parenthood activated at the request of: parents / guardians, school, court, local body or directly by the C.S.S.T. At the center the family as a systemic reality, on which to intervene with complex actions of institutional service networks of the private social sector, of the voluntary sector. Gesco, since December 2016, is responsible for the Territorial Education Project aimed at children aged 6 to 16 with a lack of parental care, families with socio-economic difficulties at risk of social exclusion. Specifically, it carries out individualized programs for minors and families, both with spontaneous access and upon sending the territorial social services, through group educational activities structured by age groups (6-9; 10-13; 14-16 years) and school support in integration with teachers.
Since July 2016 he has managed the Territorial Pole for families, at the IV Municipality, implementing articulated and integrated interventions to support parenting and the family, through family tutoring, home education and, in cases of high parental conflict, family mediation and neutral spaces for protected or facilitated encounters. Since July 2016 he has managed the Territorial Pole for families, at the IV Municipality, implementing articulated and integrated interventions to support parenting and the family, through family tutoring, home education and, in cases of high parental conflict, family mediation and neutral spaces for protected or facilitated encounters

Теми за инклузија

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Educational difficulties
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Volunteering

Role Датум на истекување
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 916410023 OID: E10199316

Теми на организацијата


Образование и обука
