VIA MAZZINI 2, 08020, OLLOLAI, Italy - +39078451051

descrizione dell'organizzazione

Ollolai Municipality’s aims and tasks are, among others: promoting cultural, artistic and sportive activities; ensuring right to education; fostering the sustainable development (social and economic), fostering youth exchanges and activities. The Municipality of Ollolai consists of 4 Services: administrative, technical, economic financial and socio-cultural services. The latter promotes solidarity, social cohesion and citizenship. Among its tasks and aims: promotion and organization of celebrations and events; management of the Library and sport facilities; creation and implementation of cultural initiatives for young people and for the community; creation of conditions for the protection, production and use of cultural heritage.

temi di inclusione

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles

Questa organizzazione è titolare del marchio di qualità del Corpo europeo di solidarietà. Il marchio di qualità certifica che l'organizzazione è in grado di gestire progetti conformi ai principi e agli obiettivi del Corpo europeo di solidarietà.

Ambito di applicazione Volontariato

Ruolo Data di scadenza
PIC: 921667520 OID: E10140484
Ultimo aggiornamento 10/06/24

Settore di attività


Community development
