Centro Comunitário Paróquia de Carcavelos

Centro Comunitário Paróquia de Carcavelos

Centro Comunitário da Paróquia de Carcavelos - Av. do Loureiro, 394, 2775-599, Carcavelos, Portugal

http://www.centrocomunitario.net/ - +351 21 457 89 52

lýsing á stofnuninni/samtökunum

Centro Comunitário da Paróquia de Carcavelos is a private institution of social solidarity that began in 1981 by initiative of the church of Carcavelos, recognized as a collective person of public utility. It’s certificated by ISO 9001 2015 by SGS. Its mission is:
*Be a service open to the community
*Be inspired by the social doctrine of the church
*Maintaining a sustainable development
*Practice of the citizenship
*The respect for the human dignity
*Promote the improvement of the living conditions of the most disadvantaged, the social balance & the wellness of the community.

CCCPC came up to promote the local answers that meet the social needs of the community. It launched projects & services for kids, young people, elderly people, homeless people & families in need. The social answers have grown, & w/ them also the number of professionals, collaborators & vols. It is an open space shared by the community. Volunteerism is an active way of civic participation, of community involvement in solving of- their own social problems. It integrates vols in different services that go to social support to logistic & administrative.

The different projects of CCPC are:

*For children & youngsters:
- A CRECHE - a kindergarden w/ capacity of 58children between 4 months & 3 years.
- ABC’S – “Aprender, Brincar e Crescer” – a place for 2nd & 3rd cycle students, providing support in studying, playful activities & intergenerational socializing.
- Summer Camps "Porta Aberta" - during the vacations months of July & August they organize a a program of playful & sport activities for an average of 110 children/day w/ ages of 6 to 12 years

*For adults & peoplr in need
- Gabinete de Inserção Profissional (program from IEFP) that aims for the personalized support for job search through attendance, referral for employment & professional qualification. Here is provided information about jobs & trainings opportunities; contact w/ entities & others gip’s; support on the elaboration of CVs, presentation letter; spontaneous applications; referral for positions in trainings, internships & job offers; sessions about job search techniques & space for interviews.
- "Intervir" project - gives support to families in a situation of need & socioeconomic fragility. The objective is to answer at the multiplicity of needs from individuals or families, contributing to their empowerment & autonomy. Works w/ attendance to families, home visits, team evaluation, definition of a intervention agreement, monitoring & periodic reassessment. The project provides complementary services such as food support through the Center’s grocery store, medicines support through the pharmacy bank, school support, psychological & legal accompaniment & support on the job search (GIP). It support around 200 families.
- "Esperança de Recomeçar" project- gives support to about 80 homeless people, w/ addictive dependencies or not, promoting the principle of human dignity & motivating / directing users to existing responses at the county & national level
- Residencial Unit - for people in a situation of social exclusion has capacity for 12 residents & the CAAP – Centro de Apoio e Acompanhamento Psicossocial (Psicosocial center) has capacity for 18 people. They receive male individuals that are in need to acquire new daily routines & reactivate intellectual & physical skills.

*For Elderly
- Home Support - a service that supports annually an average of 100 people especially through the service of home delivery food & personal hygiene.
- Espaço Senior - a service for about 300 people who participate in a diversified program of activities: information & awareness-raising activities; leisure activities; cultural visits; vacation program; intergenerational activities, computer classes, choir, folklore, English classes, theater & geriatric gymnastics.
- Espaço Raízes - occupational program for people over 65 years with physical & cognitive problems,

CCPC also offers multiple proposals of ateliers open to the community such as tapestry, guitar or theater.

For fundraising, CCCP develops a project called "Re-Coopera" that allows the reutilization of everything that the community no longer needs (clothes, toys, books, furniture, equipment, utensils, etc). Once the triage is done, & after we fulfill the Center needs, everything is put to sell on:
*Fair (every Wednesday in the space of the Center)
*Stores in Matarraque & Junqueiro. This project already received a distinction w/ the ES+ stamp from IES – Instituto de Empreendedorismo Social.

Volunteers can participate in the diversity of social projects; having contact w/ different publics (elderly, vulnerable families, homeless, children) & support in all activities of the institution, including fundraising.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Sjálfboðastarf

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PIC: 909719157 OID: E10183874
Last updated on 31/05/24

Viðfangsefni stofnunarinnar/samtakanna

Social assistance and welfare


Community development