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Accredited organisation

Tudás-Vár Nonprofit Kft.

Tudás-Vár Nonprofit Kft.

Trefort tér 1. , 9400, Sopron, an Ungáir - +36703141979

Cur síos ar an eagraíocht

Tudás-Vár is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of enthusiastic professionals in areas of child care and education. In our daycare, we focus on creating a safe, creative and inter-cultural environment in which children (aged 1.5-4) can grow and learn. Our learning program is based on an English literature-based curriculum, and the circle time activities are held in two small groups.
Our organization also provides after-school programs for kids interested in embracing a multicultural experience, mastering English as a foreign language.
The vision of our organization is to bring up children in a safe, homely environment that bridges intercultural divide, encourages cooperation and effective communication with others from different cultural and ethic background.

  • Tá lipéad cáilíochta an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh ag an eagraíocht seo. Is deimhniú é an lipéad cáilíochta go bhfuil an eagraíocht in ann tionscadail a reáchtáil i gcomhréir le prionsabail agus cuspóirí an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh.

Cineál deise Obair dheonach

Ról Dáta éaga
Hosting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 906368389 OID: E10040637

Téamaí na heagraíochta

Green skills

Community development

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide