,,Ivan Sergeevch Turgenev"Primary school
Residentional complex "OREL" , 7205, Razgrad, Бугарија
+35984662723Опис на организацијата
"Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "School - Razgrad is 27- year-old school located in the southern part of the city in Orel residential area. Its spacious 4-floor building contains a gym and a swimming pool, which is the only one in the city and in the area. There are 20 classrooms, a library with a big collection of literature. There is a playground with volleyball and basketball courts. There are three fully-equipped computer rooms and а science lab which are used for learning, teacher trainings and after school activities. Students have free access to all the school facilities. There are about 250 students in the school between 7-14 years old. Our school is attended by students from different social origins (Turkish, Bulgarian and Roman) .We have also several disabled students who are fully integrated into all aspects of our school life. Our aims are to build strong partnerships and to promote innovation and competitiveness of Bulgarian students abroad; to improve their speaking skills and to provoke their curiosity of other European cultures and traditions. We would like all our students to be involved in the projects and learn how to manage it: to be active, responsible and creative – acquire the qualities that will be useful in future. Taking part in such projects, for many Bulgarian students will be a chance to make European friends with and keep in touch in the future. We believe that it is one of the ways to deal with the growing aggression among the youth.Pupils are motivated, they actively participate in transnational projects, mobilities, thus gain awareness of European citizenship and cultural diversity.They take part in afterschool activities (football club, basketball club,swinning,folk and modern dance club and many others) .We focus on languages learning (Englisg, Russian) ICT skills, Internet safety and sport. We have a school journal and a theatre.We cooperate with local institutions: Municipality, town libraries, Center of Culture, folk ansamble etc.Thanks to qualified teachers and education in our school our students enter high quality secondary schools.
Our school is involved in European projects but we still need teachers of other subjects with communicative knowledge of English.Оur school's present and future priorities are to encourage more teachers in my school to participate in EU projects, to strenghten their professional profile, especially in the field of language learning.We are going to continue work in eTwinning, Erasmus+ and other international projects in order to strenghten theachers' professional profile, promote our school abroad, to raise awareness of European Citizenship amd muliculturalism, to motivate pupils to learn languages and use ICT.We can surely recommend at least 10 teachers who are eager to work with me in an Erasmus+ project.Three of them are English teachers. Seven of them cooperated in former Erasmus + KA2. They are highly motivated and hard-working teachers who like challenges.Our school aims hosting and sending Voluntieers for practice exchange.We believe that the school should encourage students’ holistic development and that it should go beyond subject boundaries and school curriculum. Our aim is to provide students with a range of inspiring activities whose goal is to develop children’s responsibility and active citizenship.For that need we founded Students' School council in 2016.Students learn how to work in a team, tolerance, expressing opinions, constructive dialogue and compromise. Founding it we wanted to make primary school the first experience of democracy for students, where they are actively involved in decision making.We organise lots of charity events which raise students’ awareness of social issues, both local and global, and strengthen their sense of initiative since children have the opportunity to respond in a conscious and creative way. Cooperating with other European schools will be a valuable experience of working in the intercultural and multilingual environment and will motivate the students for the high quality performance.Participating in European projects gives them effective tools to make students more responsible, supportive, creative and concerned that is more prepared to face the relevant issues of modern Europe and World.Along with the foundation of a school council the school learnt the new forms of running charity events.We feel obliged to share this experience and many of the successful charity activities are included in this new project.The school has taken part in many projects concerning cultures, safety, health, sports and it can boast of a few certificates of School of Equal Chances, Non-Violent School, Reliable Primary School and We Discover Talents. We would love to share our great experience with other European schools and inspire each other to meet high standards of European education in each partner school.

- This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.
Scope Волонтирање
Role | Датум на истекување |
Hosting | 31/12/2027 |
Supporting | 31/12/2027 |
Теми на организацијата
Граѓанско и демократско учество.
Образование и обука