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Accredited organisation

Zavod Poljanska dolina

Poljanska c. 87, 4224, Gorenja vas, Eslovénia - +38631720573

Descrição da organização

Zavod Poljanska dolina is a public institute and its founder is municipality Gorenja vas – Poljane. Its main activities are promotion and marketing of tourism and culture in Poljane valley. Besides that Zavod Poljanska dolina manages a monument of slovenian national importance Dvorec Visoko (Visoko manor) and two monuments of local importance Underground fortess of Rupnik line in Goli vrh and Šubic house in Poljane nad Škofjo Loko. Zavod runs various programs in all these objects and takes care of connecting stakeholders in tourism and culture and helps them in their promotion. It also developes new touristic products and takes care for improvement of existing ones. In cooperation with municipality Gorenja vas – Poljane contributes a lot in augmentation of quality of touristic offer and its marketing. Our yearly activity programme usually consists of various exhibitions which include renewal of existing or even making new ones. On average, there are about 5 or 6 temporary exhibitions in Šubic house gallery and 1 or 2 in Visoko manor. In underground fortress of Rupnik line in Goli vrh there is a permanent exhibition of exponates from the time of construction of the fortress. Various events are organised as accompanying programme of the exibitions in Šubic house and Visoko manor. At the same time we are implementing pedagogical programmes. Visoko manor and Rupnik line underground fortress in Goli vrh are two of the most visited destinations in Poljane valley. Momentally, there are at both around 3000 visitors each year from Slovenia and abroad. Šubic house is a cultural centre with an interesting museum collection which introduces visitors into the world of fine art. There are also organised inspiring creative workshops, work in artistic atelier and artistic exhibitions in the gallery. We serve to wide spectrum of visitors and collaborate with various professional institutions on many levels (local, regional, national, international, for example: Touristic organisation of Škofja Loka, local and regional museums, Development agency Sora, Železniki museum, Žiri museum, Municipality Žiri, Institute for the Protection of Cultural heritage of Slovenia Tourism Information Klagenfurt am Wörthersee...). The second very important targeted group are our visitors divided into some subcategories: kindergarten groups, elementary schools, high schools, students, families, pensioners (in groups or individual), organised groups from Slovenia, foreign tourists (in groups or individual).

  • Esta organização é titular de um Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, que certifica que a organização tem capacidade para levar a cabo projetos em conformidade com os princípios e objetivos do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade.

Âmbito Voluntariado

Papel Data de validade
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 905994648 OID: E10032195

Temas da organização


Educação e formação

Skills development