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Accredited organisation


195 Earlham Grove, E7 9AB, London, an Ríocht Aontaithe - +447592322462

Cur síos ar an eagraíocht

We are a nonprofit organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place.
The purpose of the company is to engage the community in practical ways that stimulate employment and entrepreneurship. It will achieve this by practical action including but not restricted to creating, encouraging and promoting opportunities in the fields of education, training, youth and apprenticeship, opening up access to education at all levels for individuals aged 18 and older. With the help of our tireless staff, we organize fundraisers, community-building events, and in-depth training sessions for our volunteers.
Our mission
Our organisation’s mission is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, free from prejudice and discrimination, which will be in the position develop and grow sustainable.
To achieve this mission we focus our activities on the following specific objectives:

Empowering youth through non-formal education, training opportunities, life-long learning and fostering youth’s active participation and civic engagement
Facilitating intercultural and inter religious awareness and solidarity by providing workshop sessions, and organising cultural exchanges and tolerance training
Strengthening cross-border civil society, by providing support, knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices, as well as by developing collaborative initiatives with our broad network of international partners.
Tree Of Colours CIC is primarily active in the fields of lifelong learning and intercultural dialogue, empowerment of youth and socio-economically vulnerable groups in general.
Moreover, TOC has an extensive and expanding network of partners spread across Europe and Asia. Increase your capacities and get ideas for projects with the TREE OF COLOURS: Check if any of our support activities fits your needs!
Our association has developed contacts with several companies in the region, in different sectors of activity, which enables us to place, support and monitor the participants of our projects in the active working life. The contacts we have developed with these entities have been very enriching for both parties, as they benefit from knowledge sharing and interaction. These initiatives allow to the participants to be in contact with the work context of a different culture where they can apply the knowledge acquired. These activities especially allow them to develop their entrepreneurial skills and helping them build higher self-esteem and confidence.
We also promote intercultural cooperation between people with different dynamic programs covering topics such as human rights, equal opportunities and promoting awareness of the need for voluntary collective solidarity, tolerance and social inclusion.

  • Tá lipéad cáilíochta an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh ag an eagraíocht seo. Is deimhniú é an lipéad cáilíochta go bhfuil an eagraíocht in ann tionscadail a reáchtáil i gcomhréir le prionsabail agus cuspóirí an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh.

Cineál deise Job, Obair dheonach

Ról Dáta éaga
Hosting 31/12/2027
Ag tabhairt tacaíochta 31/12/2027
PIC: 904884871 OID: E10012196

Téamaí na heagraíochta

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