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Accredited organisation

Asociatia Pro Roma

str, Ion Creanga, nr. 56A, PT 23, 700333, Iasi, an Rómáin - +40757146002

Cur síos ar an eagraíocht

The PRO ROMA Association is a non-governmental organization that was founded in September 2008, at the initiative of Roma and non-Roma activists, from Iasi county, the North-East region of Romania, based on OG 26/2000, regarding the regime of associations and foundations in Romania in response to the urgent need for social inclusion of the Roma community.
PRO ROMA Association promotes quality education models that develop life skills among Roma people a sustainable development strategy, a society with a strong spirit of initiative, a special civic consciousness, and a true spirit of responsibility social.
The PRO ROMA Association team is made up of different people, brought together by the following shared values: initiative, communication, philanthropic spirit, partnership development, equal opportunities, responsibility, integrated programs. The PRO ROMA Association has as main areas of interest: reducing the educational gap between Roma and non-Roma; improving the socio-economic situation of these communities; preservation, valorisation and promotion of culture; promoting young Roma talents as a way of changing the image of ethnic Roma; creating community development programs to fight against prejudice against the Roma; increasing the organizational capacity of Roma by developing skills and competences in solving their own problems; preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and domestic voyage; developing activities that promote democracy, tolerance, diversity and equal opportunities in society.
To achieve this, the association has divided its activities in several fields such as education, culture, promoting young talent among ethnic Roma; training; community mediation; counseling, mediation and professional guidance; volunteering.
Our projects have disadvantaged young people: young Roma, young people from foster care or foster care centers, young people from rural areas, young people from very poor communities and peripheral urban areas.
PRO ROMA Association frequently collaborates in a partnership with local institutions such as the Iasi City Hall, the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection in Iasi, the National Social Assistance College in Romania - the Iasi Branch, the Probation Service near the Iasi Tribunal.
Through all the activities that the PRO ROMA Association carries out, we try to convey to the members of the disadvantaged communities an idea of ​​change, of tolerance, of equality.

Téamaí maidir le cuimsiú

I gcás tionscadail áirithe, tá an eagraíocht seo sásta oibrithe deonacha a chur ag obair ar deacra dóibh bheith páirteach i ngníomhaíochtaí de dheasca dálaí áirithe as na catagóirí seo a leanas:

  • Difríochtaí cultúrtha
  • Constaicí eacnamaíocha
  • Constaicí sóisialta
  • Tá lipéad cáilíochta an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh ag an eagraíocht seo. Is deimhniú é an lipéad cáilíochta go bhfuil an eagraíocht in ann tionscadail a reáchtáil i gcomhréir le prionsabail agus cuspóirí an Chóir Dlúthpháirtíochta Eorpaigh.

Cineál deise Obair dheonach

Ról Dáta éaga
Hosting 31/12/2027
Ag tabhairt tacaíochta 31/12/2027

Eagraíocht cheannais

PIC: 912064520 OID: E10035025

Téamaí na heagraíochta

An cultúr


Social assistance and welfare